Page 45 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
P. 45


          and due diligence compliance, Credit counseling, loan re-  Crowd funding transforms saving into capital formation and
          covery services at reasonable cost and as per customers`  normally regulated by capital market regulator while P2P
          requirement at their doorstep.                      fall within the purview of banking regulator that draft guide-
                                                              lines considering investors` interest and market practices
          This model of funding varies from crowd funding where  prevailing across  the globe.  Various  countries  regulate
          various investors park their funds in any project that offer  crowd funding and P2P considering their national economic
          them anticipated yield as per their risk tolerance capacity.  interest avoiding any contradictory legal issues.
          Global Economies and P2P Lending:
          Across the globe P2P lending has been regulated in five different ways which has been well depicted by table hereunder:

          Regulatory Regime   Countries             Description
          Prohibited          Israel & Japan        P2P lending is totally banned.
          Banking Regulation  France, Germany       P2P lending platform is regulated as Banks due to their credit inter-
                              and Italy             mediation function. They are required to obtain a banking license; fulfill
                                                    disclosure requirement and other such regulations.
          Intermediary        Australia, Argentina,  P2P lending platform is required to register itself as intermediary in
          Regulation          Canada, New Zealand   order to access the market. Other rules and regulation determine
                              and U.K               modus operandi need to be followed by the platform (like licensing is
                                                    needed for credit or financial services).
          Unregulated         China, South Korea,   No specific regulation is in fashion to regulate P2P lending Platform
                              Egypt, Ecuador and    however in some cases consumer protection from unfair interest rates,
                              Tunisia               unfair credit provision and fake advertising is in existence.
          US Model            U.S.A                 Here two level of regulation is in existence for regulating P2P lending
                                                    platform, Federal regulation through the SEC (Securities and Exchange
                                                    Commission) and State level where Platforms have to seek state-wise
                                                    approval as certain state (like Texas) outright ban the practice of P2P
                                                    lending while other states (like California) place limits on the type of
                                                    investors using the platform to lend. In case P2P platform wishes to op-
                                                    erate across multiple states, separate approval from each is required.

          The US is the largest P2P
          lending  market  in  the
          world by loan volume, but
          the UK is 72% larger on a
          per capita basis.

          By the end of year 2015,
          global P2P market share
          has  crossed  approxi-
          mately USD 64.00 Billion
          and  expected to  touch
          USD  1000.00 Billion  by
          the year 2025 at current
          estimates as depicted by
          the table below.

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                             JANUARY | 2017 | 45

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