Page 50 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
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             PD.No.316/ 02.10.002/ 2014-2015 dated August 14,  withdraw Rs 10,000/- from their account, in a month. The
             2014 on rationalisation of number of mandatory free  branch managers may allow further withdrawals beyond Rs
             ATM transactions for savings bank account customers  10,000  within the  current applicable  limits only  after
             for transactions done at their own bank ATMs as well  ascertaining the genuineness of such withdrawals and duly
             as at ATMs of other banks. A reference is also drawn  documenting the same on bank's record.
             to Circular  No.DCM (Plg) No.1226/10.27.00/2016-17
             dated November 08, 2016 on the withdrawal of legal  Limited or  Non KYC compliant account holders may be
             tender characteristics of existing Rs 500/- and Rs 1000/  allowed to withdraw Rs 5,000 per month from the amount
             - Bank Notes (Specified Bank Notes - SBN) and Circular  deposited through SBNs after November 09, 2016 within
             RBI/2016-17/111 DPSS.CO.PD.No./02.10.002/2016-2017  the overall ceiling of Rs 10,000.
             dated November 8, 2016 on, inter alia, closure of ATMs
             and waiver of charges on withdrawals from ATMs till  Yours faithfully,
             December 30, 2016.                               (P Vijaya  Kumar)
         2.  In this regard, it has been decided that banks shall  Chief General Manager
             waive levy of ATM charges for all transactions (inclusive
             of both financial and non-financial transactions) by Withdrawal  of Legal  Tender Character  of
             savings bank customers done at their own banks' ATMs  existing  Rs.  500/-  and  Rs.  1000/-  Bank
             as well as at other  banks' ATMs, irrespective of the  Notes (Specified  Bank Notes) -  Deposit of
             number of transactions during the month.
                                                              Specified  Bank  Notes  (SBNs)  into  bank
         3.  This waiver is applicable on transactions done at ATMs
             from  November 10,  2016 till  December  30,  2016, accounts
             subject to review.
         4.  The directive is issued under Section 10(2) read with  DCM (Plg) No. 1859/10.27.00/2016-17
             Section  18 of Payment and  Settlement Systems Act
             2007, (Act 51 of 2007).
                                                              Dear Sir,
                                                              Please refer to Circular DCM (Plg) No.1226/10.27.00/2016-
         Yours faithfully                                     17 dated November 08, 2016 on the captioned subject. On
         (Nanda S Dave)                                       a review of the provisions ii, iii and iv at C of Para 3 dealing
         Chief General Manager                                with credit of the value of SBNs into bank accounts it has
                                                              been decided to place certain restrictions on deposits of
         Accounts under PMJDY - Precautions                   SBNs into bank accounts while encouraging the deposits of
                                                              the same under the Taxation and Investment Regime for
                                                              the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana, 2016 as indicated
         DCM (Plg) No. 1450/10.27.00/2016-17                  below:

         Dear Sir,                                            Tenders of SBNs in excess of Rs 5000 into a bank account
         Please refer to our circular DCM (Plg) No.1424/10.27.00/  will be received for credit only once during the remaining
         2016-16 dated November 25, 2016 on "Withdrawal of cash  period till December 30, 2016. The credit in such cases shall
         - Weekly limit". With a view to protect the innocent farmers  be afforded only after questioning tenderer, on record, in
         and rural account holders of PMJDY from activities of money  the presence of at least two officials of the bank, as to why
         launders and legal consequences under the Benami Property  this could  not be  deposited earlier  and receiving  a
         Transaction & Money Laundering laws, it has been decided  satisfactory explanation. The explanation should be kept on
         to place certain limits, as a matter of precaution, on the  record  to  facilitate an  audit trail  at a  later stage. An
         operations in the PMJDY accounts funded through deposits  appropriate flag also should be raised in CBS to that effect
         of Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) after November 09, 2016.  so that no more tenders are allowed.
         As a temporary measure, the banks are advised to observe
         the following in respect of the PMJDY accounts:      Tenders of SBNs up to Rs 5000 in value received across the
                                                              counter will allowed to be credited to bank accounts in the
         Fully  KYC compliant account holders may be allowed to  normal course until December 30, 2016. Even when tenders

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