Page 51 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
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          smaller than Rs 5000 are made  in an account and such  10.27.00/2016-17  dated  November  08, 2016,  the
          tenders taken together on cumulative basis exceed Rs 5000  Government has  been  taking several measures  in
          they may be subject to the procedure to be followed in case  consultation with the various stakeholders to incentivise
          of tenders above  Rs  5000, with no  more tenders  being  greater adoption of digital payments by large sections
          allowed thereafter until December 30, 2016.            of the society. As a temporary measure, it has now been
                                                                 decided that  all participating  banks  and  Prepaid
          It may also be ensured that full value of tenders of SBNs in  Payment Instrument (PPI) issuers shall not levy any
          excess of Rs 5000 shall be credited to only KYC compliant  charges on customers for transactions upto Rs 1000
          accounts and if the accounts are not KYC compliant credits  settled on the Immediate Payment Service (IMPS),
          may be restricted up to Rs 50,000 subject to the conditions  USSD-based *99# and Unified Payment Interface (UPI)
          governing the conduct of such accounts.                systems.
                                                              2. The above measures shall come  into  effect  from
          The above restrictions shall not apply to tenders of SBNs  January 1, 2017 and shall be applicable till March 31,
          for the  purpose of  deposits under  the Taxation  and  2017. In the intervening period, the Reserve Bank of
          Investment Regime for the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan  India will facilitate a review of the charges under the
          Yojana, 2016.                                          aforesaid channels by the concerned stakeholders.

          The equivalent value of specified bank notes tendered may  3. The directive is issued under Section 10(2) read with
          be credited to an account maintained by the tenderer at  Section  18 of Payment and  Settlement Systems Act
          any bank in accordance with standard banking procedure  2007, (Act 51 of 2007).
          and on production of valid proof of Identity.
                                                              Yours faithfully
          The equivalent value of specified bank notes tendered may  (Nanda S. Dave)
          be credited  to a  third party  account, provided  specific  Chief General Manager
          authorisation therefore accorded  by the third party  is
          presented to  the bank,  following standard  banking  Preservation  of CCTV  recordings
          procedure and on production of valid proof of identity of  RBI/2016-17/181
          the person actually tendering, as indicated in Annex-5 of  DCM (Plg) No. 1712/10.27.00/2016-17
          our circular cited above.
                                                              Dear Sir,
          Yours faithfully                                    1. Please refer  to paragraph  (5) of our circular  DCM
          (P Vijaya  Kumar)                                      (FNVD) No.1134/16.01.05/2016-17 dated October 27,
          Chief General Manager                                  2016 wherein it was stated that in order to facilitate
                                                                 identification  of people  abetting circulation  of
          Special Measures  upto  March  31, 2017  :             counterfeit notes, banks  are  advised  to cover the
          Rationalisation  of  customer  charges  for            banking hall/area and counters under CCTV surveillance
                                                                 and recording and preserve the recording.
          Immediate  Payment  Service  (IMPS),
                                                              2. In continuation to the above, the banks are further
          Unified  Payment  Interface  (UPI)  &                  advised to preserve CCTV recordings of operations at
          Unstructured Supplementary  Service Data               bank branches and currency chests for the period from
          (USSD)                                                 November 08 to December 30, 2016, until further
                                                                 instructions,  to facilitate coordinated and  effective
          RBI/2016-17/185                                        action by the enforcement agencies in dealing with
          DPSS CO.PD.No.1516/02.12.004/2016-17                   matters relating  to illegal  accumulation of  new
                                                                 currency notes.
          Dear Madam/ Sir,
          1. Following the withdrawal of legal tender characteristics  Yours faithfully,
             of existing Rs 500/- and Rs 1000/- Bank Notes (Specified  (P Vijaya Kumar)
             Bank Notes - SBN) vide Circular No.DCM (Plg) No.1226/  Chief General Manager 

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