Page 46 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
P. 46


         Although the P2P lending industry is flourishing by leaps and  Their approach is to make virtual platform accessible for
         bounds, if market analysts are believed, there are serious  borrower's who need fast credit within short span of time
         risks also that could derail it. Major risks are Interest rate  at very reasonable cost so are trying to lure borrowers, who
         hikes, new regulations, frayed bank relationships, and other  have pathetic banking experience or fed up dealing with
         factors could put a stop to the industry's current surge.  banks for financial service.
         Credit consumers and investors interest are basic challenges
         that need to be considered proactively.              Since regulatory guidelines in India for P2P lending is still
                                                              underway so major issues before the regulator comes per-
         Alternative Finance Model:                           taining to KYC & AML (Anti Money Laundering) compliance,
                                                              protection of investor interest, Risk management policies
         Across the globe various Finance Model is available along  and procedure followed by them. Recovery  procedure
         with P2P lending in the financial market where consumers
                                                              adopted by the P2P platform operators is still a moot mat-
         deal as per their requirement considering the risk factor and
                                                              ter because financial records is live indicator how various
         liquidity. Other important factors are yield on investment
                                                              NBFCs and other financial units have minted money by lur-
         and hassle-free access of credit that score above all in cre-  ing public for higher returns and tarnished the image of
         ating the market share. Among the various alternative fi-
                                                              regulator usually strive for better governance.
         nance model available, different platforms of P2P lending
         and Crowd funding are highly demanded which is well de-  Whether Indian economy needs P2P lending platforms when
         picted below. By the end of year 2015 only P2P consumer  banking industry is catering the various needs of financial
         lending has achieved the market share of GBP 909 Million.  market and when government is leaving no stone unturned
                                                                                            for  Covering   the
                                                                                            unbanked population
                                                                                            under financial inclusion
                                                                                            by  launching  PMJDY
                                                                                            (Prandhan  Mantri  Jan
                                                                                            Dhan Yojna) and several
                                                                                            other schemes mainly
                                                                                            to assist and uplift the
                                                                                            bottom layer of the so-
                                                                                            ciety and when RBI  is
                                                                                            playing proactive role in
                                                                                            regulating the  NBFCs
                                                                                            and banking  industry
                                                                                            where global norms like
                                                                                            Basel III, FATCA (Foreign
         P2P Lending in India: Whether we need

         In current banking scenario when NPA's (Non Performing
         Assets) have been making headlines as Bank after Bank reel-
         ing under burden of Bad Debts, P2P lending Platforms have
         started developing in India but still at a very nascent stage.
         Various firms have created P2P virtual platforms and mainly
         focusing on micro credit by targeting unbanked customers,
         start-ups and consumers financed by unorganized financial

            46 | 2017 | JANUARY                                                            | BANKING FINANCE

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