Page 44 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
P. 44





         SECTOR IN


         O         ver the decades, the financial sector has under-  develop such a framework that enables a customer to ful-
                   gone  complete makeover  and added new
                                                              fill his financial need at appropriate cost within standard
                                                              stipulated time frame.
                   colours  on  its  canvas  as  a  result  of
                   industrialisation and later due to globalisation.
         In this journey technology has been the major driver in for-  Peer to peer (P2P) lending, has gathered momentum
         mulating new products, catering users their needs and  across the globe and slowly mushrooming in India. It is a
         enabling them to aspire for more customized services at  platform which provides online access through network to
         their doorstep.                                      borrower and lender and enables them to match their re-
                                                              quirement by striking a deal. At market place, customer as
         Since beginning, borrowing and lending has been the build-  borrower always seeks hassle-free funds at low cost and at
         ing block in economic development and attracted borrow-  the same time as a lender he aspire for high yield on his
         ers for raising funds at better cost and lenders for earning  parked funds at calculated risk.
         attractive yield in market place. Regulators ever tried to
                                                              P2P portal invites bids from investors to lock-in their funds
                                                              for expected yield and simultaneously invites bids from bor-
                        About the author
                                                              rower for their funding requirement against the interest
                                                              rates charged for the respective period. This model is big
                     Praveen Kumar Srivastava                 threat to conventional banking system since it challenges
                                                              to replace the available banking channel in economy and
                     M.Com, PGDM (Marketing), CAIIB
                     Senior Manager (Financial Analyst)       bridge the gap between lender and borrower by offering
                     Dena Bank                                them real time access through network along with added
                                                              features like Credit scoring of customers, Customers KYC

            44 | 2017 | JANUARY                                                            | BANKING FINANCE

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