Page 54 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
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                             Articles published during the period

                     January‘2016 to December‘2016 in our Journal

                                        "Banking Finance"

         January 2016                           units - A regulatory obligation or  a  2  Role of Commercial  Banks in Rural
         1   Magnitude and Causes of Non-Perform-  commercial opportunity?        Women Empowerment with Special
             ing Assets                         - Keshav More                     Reference to Thoothukudi District
             - A. Chiranjeevi & Prof. B. Ramachandra  3  Management of banking system in  - Dr. A. Muthumani & R. Evangeline
             Reddy                              India
         2   A.P Rural Employment Grantee Scheme  -  Dr. Morusu Siva Sankar & Prof  .  R.  October 2016
                                                                                  Worries of Bad Loans: Concerns  for
             (APREGS) - An Observation          Harilal
                                                                                  Prompt Action Under Sarfaesi ActB
             - Miss D. Swathi & Sri G.K. Kumar  June 2016                         - B Lenka
                                            1   Agricultural lending - A Commercial Vi-
         February 2016                          able Profitable Business Proposition  2  Union Bank of India -  The Technology
         1   Priority Sector Lending: Compliance or  - U Sethupitchai             Bank
                                                                                  - P Dhanasekaran
             Business Opportunity?          2   Reviving an MSME - The New Way
             - Hrishikesh Mishra                - Abhirup Ghosh                3  The Concept of Margin in Working Capi-
                                                                                  tal Finance
         2   Quality of Lending Vs. Credit  Risk (A  3  Financing  Dairy  Sector -  Unexplored
             Research study on Credit Risk)     lending Opportunities             - V Sundararajan
             - CMA Dr. P. Siva Rama Prasad      - M. Ramamoorthy
                                                                               November 2016
                                            July 2016
         March 2016                                                            1  WTO: Importance Growing Steadily
                                            1   Ind as 108 'Operating Segments': Con-  - Dr B K Mukhopadhyay
         1   Corporate Governance: Principles, Prac-  verged  Accounting Standard on Seg-
             tices and Reality                  ment Reporting in India        2  Curbing the menace called NPA through
             - Dr B K Mukhopadhyay              -  Satyajit Ghorai & Dr. Ram Prahlad  Path un-trodden!
                                                Choudhary                         - Sandeep Gupta
         2   Conflicting Signals of Emerging Eco-
             nomic Statistics- Where do they Lead  2  Small Size Advances by a Banker  3  The Future of Banking Technology in
             Analysts?                          - P Jayalakshmi Kumar             India
             - Udaya Kumar Mohapatra        3   The Journey of NPA in PSU Banks - A  - Sunny Chhabria
                                                need for further reform
         April 2016                             - B B Lenka                    December 2016
         1   Guarding Bank's Assets Against Threat  August 2016                1  Strategy to Exploit the Business Poten-
             of NPAs                        1   Marketing to the Millennial India - Per-  tial in E-commerce
             - L. S. Sheshachala Hegde          spectives and Challenges for Bankers  - Deenanath Jha
         2   Minimize 'Credit Risk and Market Risk'  - I K Venugopalan         2  Demonetisation: a Great  Reformist
             by Controlling 'Operational Risk'  2  Makeover of Bankers' Training- in the  Revolutionary Economic Initiative
             - CMA Dr. P. Siva Rama Prasad      transitional phase of Banking Industry  - Dr. Ashish Barua
                                                - Praveen Kumar Srivastava
                                                                               3  Indian Exports- The Challenge for Bank-
         May 2016                           3   Monitoring of Advances: Key issues  ers and a way forward
         1   Banking sector tomorrow will be  an-  - B. Sreenivasa Rao            - Deepak Nagar
             other day, may be more stormy
                                            September 2016                     4  Converged IND As: A Step towards Lib-
             - Dr B K Mukhopadhyay
                                            1   'A to Z' Benefits of Bank Mergers  eralizing The Indian Accounting System
         2   Lending to food and agro processing  - CMA Dr. P. Siva Rama Prasad   - Tabassum Saifi

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