Page 39 - The Insurance Times January 2025
P. 39

Case Study

          The SS Robert Bruce

          Case: A Landmark

          in Maritime

          Insurance Law                                                                  Dr. Soumi Mukherjee

                                                                                                      M.A., PH.D

           We all are aware that insurance is a very important security or guarantee for any ship or cargo
           owner, when he is in the shipping business. Not only does it deal with the insurance of loss or
           damage to ships,  cargo, terminals,  but  also  against  natural  calamities  or  any  unforeseen
           circumstances between the point of origin and the final destination.

         W           e all are aware that insurance is a very impor-  The appellants were The Albion Fire and Life Insurance Com-
                     tant security or guarantee for any ship or cargo
                                                              pany and they were represented by Warner Phipps, who was
                     owner, when he is in the shipping business. Not
                                                              the secretary for the company in London, and Thomas
         only does it deal with the insurance of loss or damage to  Hamilton, who was their agent at Glasgow. The other ap-
         ships, cargo, terminals, but also against natural calamities  pellants were the directors and the proprietors of the com-
         or any unforeseen circumstances between the point of ori-  pany. The respondents were the proprietors of the steam
         gin and the final destination. But, what if, the ship owner  boat 'Robert Bruce.'
         realises that he cannot get any claims from the insurance
         company, despite being a diligent premium payee, and the  It is also known as the Bubble Act. This 1720 statute aimed
         reason- conditions apply*.                           to prevent speculative bubbles by restricting the formation
                                                              of joint-stock companies without royal charter. In the con-
         The 1828 case of Albion Fire and Life Insurance Company vs  text of this case, it established a monopoly for sea insurance
         William Mills has been one of the landmark judgments heard  to certain companies, thereby impacting Albion Insurance
         at the United Kingdom House of Lords. Not only did this case  Company's contractual obligations.
         delve into the intricacies of insurance law, but it also par-
         ticularly focused on the territorial application of statutes  The wooden paddle steamer boat Robert Bruce first started
         governing insurance contracts. This case arose when the  her services in 1819 between Glasgow and Liverpool in
         Albion Fire and Life Insurance Company, an English insurer,  United Kingdom. Over the later years, she was used to sail
         declined to honour a fire insurance claim (for £3000) on the  on other routes too. On 27th September, 1821, according
         steam-vessel 'Robert Bruce', claiming that their policy did  to the log written by the master Capt. Carlyle, Robert Bruce
         not include coverage while the vessel was at sea-a provi-  was set to sail from Liverpool to Dublin (a voyage under-
         sion aligning with the statute 6 Geo. I. C. 18, which monopo-  taken by permission of the insurers). She was carrying a crew
         lized sea insurance to specific companies. The additional  of 14 along with the Captain, and also had 24 passengers
         confusion arose as to whether Scots or English law applied.  on board the steam boat. Unfortunately, when she had just

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