Page 42 - The Insurance Times January 2025
P. 42

Cyber Insurance

          How Cyber

          Insurance Shields

          Organizations from

          Cyber Threats and                                                                         Evaa Saiwal

                                                                                            Business Head- Liability,
          Financial Losses                                                                Policybazaar For Business
                                                                                           Cyber & Financial Risk at

           Cybercrime  like this  is  no  longer the exception-it's  the rule. Every organization,  from  global
           enterprises to small-town businesses, is a target in today's hyperconnected world. Sophisticated
           cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities not just for financial gain but to disrupt and destabilize.

         O        n a quiet Monday morning, a midsize logistics  years of trust painstakingly built with customers. In this digi-
                                                              tal minefield, the question is no longer if you'll face an at-
                  company opened its inbox to find a chilling mes-
                                                              tack but when. That's why businesses are turning to cyber
                  sage: all its critical files had been encrypted, and
                  the only way to recover them was to pay a hefty
         ransom in cryptocurrency. Over the next 72 hours, the  insurance as their safety net, ally, and financial safeguard.
         company's operations came to a standstill. Customers grew  The New Reality of Cyber Threats
         frustrated, contracts were jeopardized, and the business  Cyberattacks have become more sophisticated than ever
         faced its darkest hour.
                                                              before. Phishing emails mimic trusted contacts with uncanny
         Cybercrime like this is no longer the exception-it's the rule.  precision. Ransomware locks critical systems, demanding
         Every organization, from global enterprises to small-town  millions for restoration. Even supply chains, once considered
         businesses, is a target in today's hyperconnected world.  secure, have become pathways for infiltration.
         Sophisticated cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities not just
         for financial gain but to disrupt and destabilize.   According to Verizon's 2023 Data Breach Investigations
                                                              Report, ransomware accounts for 24% of all data breaches,
         The financial toll is staggering: IBM's Cost of a Data Breach  with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) being dispropor-
         Report 2023 revealed that the global average cost of a data  tionately affected due to limited cybersecurity resources.
         breach reached $4.45 million, the highest in nearly two  Compounding the issue, research from Microsoft shows that
         decades. Meanwhile, 75% of surveyed organizations ex-  human error contributes to over 85% of breaches, empha-
         pected to be breached again within the next year, highlight-  sizing the need for vigilance and proper training.
         ing the cyclical nature of these threats.
                                                              The stakes aren't just financial. A PwC 2023 Digital Trust
         But beyond the numbers are real stories of loss. It's not just  Insights Survey found that 90% of customers hesitate to
         systems that are paralyzed; it's livelihoods, reputations, and  engage with businesses that fail to secure their data ad-

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