Page 46 - The Insurance Times January 2025
P. 46

Successful Protagonists

                       Meet the Visionaries Behind BimaBro

         Insurance has from time immemorial been a noble profes-  with their clients, treating them not as customers, but as
         sion. Like medicine or nursing, one has to dedicate his/her  partners and well-wishers. They go beyond traditional in-
         life to a noble cause. Those who provide this service in their  surance services, offering support in times of need, whether
         humble and noble in render Youman Services to humanity.  it is assisting with hospital beds or providing guidance on
         Yet the stories of footsoldiers who wipe out the tears from  personal issues. This personalized approach has fostered
         the eyes of people at the time times of financial stress of-  deep trust and allowed them to build lasting relationships.
         ten go unnoticed. They are immensely successful in their
         modest and graceful way.                             One particularly memorable experience involved a tailor
                                                              whose family struggled after his untimely demise. Rajesh,
         The Insurance Times wants to bring to the fore the stories  at the beginning of his career in the 1990s, had secured a
         of such successful warriors who made significant contribu-  tailor's future by introducing him to an LIC policy, Jeevan
         tions to society.
                                                              Mitra. Through diligent efforts, Rajesh ensured the claim
         We are covering the first story of the series i.e. of BimaBro  was processed, and the family received a cheque of Rs. 6
         Prof (Dr) Abhijit K.Chattoraj, Advisory Board Member, The  lakhs, providing them with much-needed hope and stabil-
         Insurance Times captured this story.                 ity. The distressed family's reaction was unforgettable. The
         R    ajesh Chetan, a renowned poet and social worker, em-  tailor's wife broke down in tears, her gratitude palpable as
                                                              she expressed heartfelt blessings. That cheque wasn't just
              barked on his insurance journey as an LIC advisor in
         1989, driven by a deep sense of 'Seva Bhaav' - a spirit of  money-it was hope, a lifeline that helped the family regain
         service. He visualized insurance not as a mere product, but  stability. For Rajesh Chetan, this was a defining moment
         as a vital service and a noble profession that touched and  that reinforced in him, the value of his work. Witnessing the
         transformed human lives. Unlike the prevalent mis-selling  impact of his efforts on that family, the humble effort be-
         practices of the time, Rajesh was committed to 'right sell-  came a beacon, inspiring him to serve others with even
         ing', prioritizing client needs and treating them with utmost  greater dedication in this noble profession. The satisfaction
         respect. His approach was simple: treat customers like fam-  was immense and Rajesh Chetan never looked back.
         ily and always prioritize their best interests, especially dur-  The father-son duo had to battle hard to stay afloat. The
         ing claims. This philosophy helped Rajesh Chetan earn huge  insurance industry, while full of opportunities, also comes with
         respect in an industry that suffers perennially from a trust  its share of challenges. One significant hurdle the family faced
         deficit. He instilled this philosophy in his sons, inspiring them  was dealing with unethical practices by some individuals in
         to follow in his footsteps.                          the market. These individuals often offer customers - part of
         His eldest son, Raghav Jain inspired by his father's example,  their commission as an incentive, which not only misleads the
         pursued an MBA in Insurance from the prestigious Birla Insti-  client but also compromises the integrity of the profession.
         tute of Management Technology (BIMTECH). A brilliant stu-  At BimaBro, the family of two-generation insurance profes-
         dent, gold medalist of his batch joined the corporate world  sionals has chosen to take a strong stand on ethics and in-
         like his other batchmates. He joined SBI General and served  tegrity. They prioritize transparency and ensure that their
         for over nine years. His youngest son, Keshav, also an alum of  customers are fully educated about their insurance prod-
         BIMTECH joined the industry (Reliance General). However,  ucts. 'Our commitment is to provide customers with the right
         both the sons felt a strong calling to carry forward their  information, so they can make informed decisions. By stay-
         father's legacy and teachings. This realization led them to  ing true to our values and focusing on educating our clients,
         launch BimaBro, a platform dedicated to delivering insurance  we've built long-lasting relationships based on trust, help-
         with integrity, transparency, and a true sense of service.  ing us stay ahead in a highly competitive market'.  Quips
         At BimaBro, they prioritize building long-term relationships  Raghav and Keshav with pride and adds 'We are also trying

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