Page 11 - RMA Brochure Blue new.cdr
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RMAI General Insurance Expert
Vikas Newa a,
Vikas is a strategic, and solu ons focused leader with
circa 25 years of financial services experience,
par cularly insurance, which includes technical and
business advisory, managed services, SaaS to name a
few. He has conceptualised, built and led successful
businesses as well as helped various companies in their efforts to
establish presence in India. Addi onally, he has worked in the UK, India,
parts of con nental Europe, Middle-East and Southeast Asia.
RMAI General Insurance Expert
Avez Sayed
Risk management professional with 13 years of
experience in non-life insurance segment with a
consistent track record of delivering and promo ng
higher growth.
Presently leading the enterprise risk management team
along with informa on security to work closely with all stakeholders to
ensure that the organiza on's risk management policies and strategies
are in compliance with applicable regula ons, ra ng agency standards,
and strategic impera ves of the organiza on.
RMAI Brand Ambassador, Middle-East and North Africa (MENA)
Shaik Gulam Afzal Biya Bani
Senior Insurance Specialist & Educa onalist
Afzal has professional experience in the field of General
Insurance over 23years as he is working in the area of
Enterprise opera onal Risk (insurance) management
(ERM) for AlMuhaidib Group of Companies, Saudi
Arabia. Bazaar monthly magazines.