Page 12 - RMA Brochure Blue new.cdr
P. 12
Aims and Objec ves
The main aims and objec ves for which the associa on is
established are :-
ª To provide a forum for the exchange of views among those
engaged in Risk Management profession and Insurance.
ª To promote be er understanding of Risk Management
and safety techniques.
ª To provide guidance and informa on to the members of
the Associa on on ma ers connected with Insurance and
Risk Management and latest developments rela ng
ª To provide opportuni es to members to a end
educa onal courses, lectures and to meet socially.
ª To carry out research studies in the area of Risk
Management, Safety, Loss Preven on and Disaster
ª To create a rich library of resource material available
around the world for the benefit of members
ª To publish newsle er, books, Ebooks, Posters on safety
and other relevant material which may be useful to the