Page 20 - RMA Brochure Blue new.cdr
P. 20


     Risk Management Associa on of India (RMAI) is delighted to
      e-up with The Associa on of Internal Control Prac  oners

     (AICP) to conduct the following cer fica on programs:

        Ÿ Cer fied Risk & Internal Control Professional (CRICP)

        Ÿ Cer fied Procurement & Supply Chain Professional (CPSCP)

        Ÿ Cer fica on by Direct Entry (for skilled professionals)

     The  AICP  is  the  only  European  ins tute  offering  individual
     professional  cer fica on  in  Internal  Control,  Risk
     Management & Corporate Governance, and Procurement &

     Supply  Chain  Management.  The  AICP  is  based  at  London,

     United Kingdom. h ps://

     Risk Management Associa on of India (RMAI) has  ed-up

     with The Chartered Ins tute London, a premier Educa onal
     body worldwide in Insurance.

     The Chartered Insurance Ins tute (CII) is a professional body
     for the insurance and financial planning profession. CII has

     1,25,000 members who are commi ed to high professional
     standards  by  maintaining  con nuous  professional
     development and abiding by our Code of Ethics.

     As one of the largest examina on awarding bodies in the UK,
     CII has delivered educa on to over one million students in 150

     countries over the last 10 years. Success in CII qualifica ons is
     universally recognised as a global standard.

     CII  is  offering  Cer ficates,  Diploma,  Advanced  Diploma  in
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