Page 21 - RMA Brochure Blue new.cdr
P. 21


     Risk  Management  Associa on  of  India  (RMAI)  has   edup
     with  RiskSpotlight  which  is  offering  FREE  One  Year

     RiskSpotlight Portal Subscrip on For RMAI Members.

     The RiskSpotlight Library is a unique offering that significantly
     reduces the  me, effort and pain associated with crea ng an

     opera onal risk library from scratch. By using industry best
     prac ces (including ISO 31000 & COSO ERM) and experience

     RiskSpotlight  have  developed  a  comprehensive  library
     containing 126 core opera onal risks for financial services.

     It links each risk to details of suggested causes, controls, key

     risk indicators and impacts (financial, reputa onal & business)
     rela ng  to  them.This  ready-made  library  will  save  you

     significant business and consul ng effort and can also be used
     to  benchmark  and  improve  an  exis ng  risk  library.

     RiskSpotlight Portal Gold service (Priced at £249 + VAT).

     You can visit the following link for more details.

     h ps://
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