Page 24 - Risk Management Bulletin April-June 2022
P. 24





             RISK: HOW



             F      inancial institutions, especially banks, have  buffer that banks need to hold in order to compensate

                    long been the leaders in developing advanced
                                                              for potential losses.
                    approaches to managing financial risks—credit
                    risk, market risk, and funding and liquidity risk.  Financial risks are reflected in the financial positions
             These practices advanced alongside efforts to create  on banks’ balance sheets and result from their risk-
             more systematic regulation, beginning with the first  taking activity. Nonfinancial risks arise from the bank’s
             Basel accord (1988). Basel II and Basel III followed in  operations (processes and systems) and are similar to
             the 2000s, and amendments known as “Basel IV” are  risks faced by companies outside the financial sector
             slated for implementation in 2023. In addition, annual  (“corporates”). Over time, corporates have developed
             stress-testing exercises are now required by various  approaches to address nonfinancial risk while adapting
             regulators. At the core of these approaches lies a  approaches developed by banks to manage financial
             fundamental understanding that risks can be      risk, which corporates also face. We believe that
             quantified and expressed in terms of an equity-capital  financial institutions can learn from the experience of
                                                              corporates in managing nonfinancial risks. A cross-
                               Authors                        industry comparison  can highlight promising
                                                              opportunities in key areas:
               Björn Nilsson                                  Y  Digitization. As the banking industry moves rapidly
                                                                 to digitize its business model, new risks will
               Associate partner in McKinsey’s Stockholm office;
               Thomas Poppensieker                               emerge, including cyberrisks, IT delivery risks,
                                                                 business-continuity risks, as well as new model
               Sebastian Schneider
                                                                 risks from AI. Technology is the corporate sector
               Senior Partners in the Munich office              that has the most experience with these risks.
               Michael Thun
                                                              Y  Critical infrastructure. Banking is considered highly
               Senior Expert.
                                                                 critical infrastructure. Therefore, the industry
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