Page 29 - Risk Management Bulletin April-June 2022
P. 29


             planning exercises in which the business mix is  strategy process. The financial crisis of 2007–08
             adjusted according to the changing business      demonstrated that during crises the winners of the
             environment. In a world of growing uncertainty and  next cycle are created. The outperformers often build
             disruption, however, the typical three- to six-month  on more flexible cost structures; they might be able
             planning cycle is proving inadequate. The spectrum of  to dispose of noncore assets more quickly, while
             outcomes supporting planning are generally unable to  focusing on growth. This could involve internal actions
             incorporate dramatic technological change, public-  to adapt the business model as  well as external
             health and climate crises, and volatile social-media  opportunities, which are seized using available
             trends. The more disruptive changes  mean that   financial resources and skills. The winners emerging
             strategies must be stress-tested against shorter  from the financial crisis looked at more than the
             timelines and scenarios have to account for a broader  downside of strategic scenarios; they saw upside, too,
             set of potential outcomes. At the same time, banks  and sought to invest in strategic optionalities that could
             need to develop dynamic capabilities and structural  provide competitive  advantage. The current
             resilience assets:                               semiconductor shortage in the auto industry provides
             Y   Dynamic capabilities. These are critical skills that  one example of a resilient strategy through a crisis. In
                 involve foresight—the ability  to  anticipate  2020, Toyota did not cut back on orders of this
                 disruption—and informed action, incorporating  relatively low-cost item  at the beginning of the
                 implications into business decisions. To develop  pandemic, while other OEMs did just that. The result
                 them, banks will need to  invest in data  and  was that for a time Toyota was better able to maintain
                 information gathering to analyze the potential  production and meet demand.
                 implications of expected disruptions before they
                 happen. The specific practices include continuous  Lessons for banks
                 scenario analyses, war-gaming, and fast decision
                                                              The experience of corporates provides banks with
                 making within corporate governance.
                                                              lessons for improving how they address nonfinancial
             Y   Structural assets. While capital and cash are key  risk. Corporates continue to develop their ERM
                 resources to compensate for risks, organizations  systems, going beyond the formal processes. They are
                 need to pay more attention to other resilience  focusing on embedding risk management in the front
                 assets in order to manage disruptions effectively.  line and elevating strategic resilience questions to the
                 This includes developing organizational      executive team and the board. Banks can profitably
                 capabilities, strengthening the supply chain,  heed these steps, as they lead to a more advanced
                 deepening technological capabilities, and    approach. Banks have a second-line focus for financial
                 safeguarding market positions, reputation,   risk, which they otherwise tend to replicate for
                 sustainability profiles, and other societal  nonfinancial risk. Banks can become better adjusted to
                 expectations.                                the changing risk landscape by effectively embedding
             These structural assets relate to common risk    the management of nonfinancial risk into the front line
             taxonomies. However, leading corporates are including  and rethinking their approach to risk appetite (beyond
             them in the strategy debate, moving beyond the   the current cascading of capital metrics, or an arbitrary
             question of controls. They are looking at fundamental  selection of KPIs and KRIs). The approach ensures that
             capabilities and structures that mitigate risks. The key  banks comprehend the full and varied spectrum of
             tools are broad-range scenarios (in terms of outcomes  nonfinancial risks and understand that a generic,
             and time periods) used as starting points to identify  governance-focused nonfinancial-risk system is clearly
             risks and risk-mitigation requirements.          inadequate. Like the leading corporates, banks can
                                                              build an effective approach to nonfinancial risk by
             Creating strategic options                       improving the management of relevant processes and
             The opportunity question arises in any well-designed  systems and strengthening resilience overall.

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