Page 34 - Risk Management Bulletin April-June 2022
P. 34


             using crisis scenarios to test for resilience in a  Finally, as yet, we have no universal means of
             downturn. Accordingly, foresight capabilities are used  measuring resilience (we are working on it!).
             to develop the scenarios; scenario-based modeling can  Consequently, the efficacy of investments in resilience
             then pressure-test strategies and business models  tends to be based on qualitative judgements. Likewise,
             through future volatile environments—such as those  people are not trained in resilience, and performance
             defined by economic downturns, rising geopolitical  evaluation is not much based on it. Managers are
             tensions, disruptions in the regulatory landscape, as  promoted for expertise in pattern recognition and for
             well as technological disruptions. Such an approach  avoiding mistakes; however, resilience leadership
             enables leaders to move beyond resilience capability  requires creative thinking, first-principles problem
             assessments to active strategic thinking to find new  solving for navigating through disruptions, and a
             opportunities and shape new business models.     predisposition to learn from and adjust to crises and
                                                              downturns. A defensive stance and routinized thinking
                                                              will prevent the organization from pivoting and
             Designing and implementing strategic
                                                              accelerating in the next upswing.
             Companies have lately developed tools to deal with  Robust steps  toward building
             the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the
             “resilience muscle” must still be strengthened. Future  sustainable resilience
             disruptions will be different, and institutions need to  Companies across industries  have learned  to
             plan for the primary impact and also for second- and  successfully navigate fundamental disruptions, emerge
             third-order effects. Some of these knock-on effects  stronger, and gain competitive advantage in tough
             appear only after a long delay but then suddenly  times. The following steps briefly sketch a path to
             accelerate; others gather momentum incrementally  overcome pitfalls while systematically building and
             until an emergency tipping point is reached.     strengthening strategic resilience. The steps are not,
                                                              of course, a simple how-to guide. Rather, each element
             For a number of reasons, few institutions have built  relies upon talent, capabilities, and deep commitment
             sufficient strategic resilience. The goal of becoming a  to the integrated effort.
             resilient company can sometimes run counter to the  Y  Measure resilience and start to report it internally.
             more immediate objective of value creation. Building  Taking a business-model view, review resilience
             redundancy in supply chains builds resilience but it also  dimensions regularly and systematically,
             increases costs, reduces returns on investment, and  identifying strengths and weaknesses compared
             thus can make resilience a tough sell to business   with industry peers. The ability to conduct these
             leaders.                                            reviews is of critical importance to decision
                                                                 making and balancing value creation and
             Another barrier is organizational forgetfulness.    resilience building.
             Resilience is not needed every day; big disruptions are
                                                              Y  Pick your disruptions. A resilience agenda built
             not happening all the time. The importance of
                                                                 around generic disruptions or overly specific
             resilience can be forgotten between big crises. These  scenarios is rarely useful. Instead, choose a
             trigger big investments, but the next crisis will not
                                                                 particular type of disruption to start with, then
             necessarily be recognizable as a repeat of the last one.  probe it deeply for expected initial impact and
             Over time, the effort to achieve strategic resilience  longer-term secondary and tertiary effects.
             peters out and new leaders shift priorities.
                                                              Y  Put less emphasis on extrapolations based on
             Resilience as we have been defining it cannot be    planning and budgeting processes. The approach
             achieved in a siloed approach. Yet due to inertia and  is too slow and narrow for our disrupted world.
             biases, efforts to achieve a holistic resilience agenda  Define instead a mechanism for creating scenarios
             can begin to veer off course, back toward familiar  systematically. Define increasingly disruptive
             patterns. And siloed resilience efforts cannot      scenarios across a widening circle and embed the
             collectively achieve the integrated solution.       impact of structural factors.

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