Page 37 - Risk Management Bulletin April-June 2022
P. 37


             regularly. The threat modeling landscape is too complex  the requirement and the corresponding mitigation. In
             with old assumptions being regularly challenged.  this way, by reporting all mitigations that are still open,
                                                              the security posture across a software portfolio is
             A good example of this is the gradual decline of implied  immediately realized and benchmarked against a given
             trust and the rise of zero trust. With so many mitigations  threshold. This information is useful to business
             to consider and only one vulnerability being sufficient  stakeholders in making decisions around risk mitigation.
             for an attacker to exploit, we have great asymmetry.
             This asymmetric nature of security implies a need for a  Growing A Knowledge Base
             more efficient way to understand the risk in a complex  Over time, a repeating set of threats and remediation
             technology landscape. The way to manage complexity
                                                              patterns will begin to emerge. Capturing this type of
             is to diversify our security perspectives. This is in line
                                                              recurring information in  a knowledge base and
             with thinking about threats from an attacker's   propagating it across similar architectures can save time
             perspective; they work from several different
                                                              and allow us to scale our threat modeling. For example,
             perspectives (as witnessed through advanced persistent
                                                              teams no longer need to spend time conducting threat
             threats). Cross-functional teams help by reducing threat
                                                              modeling for similar types of applications only to
             modeling bias based on personal preference or
                                                              recommend similar mitigations. The knowledge base
             experience. The different perspectives provide
                                                              can also ingest additional information from the efforts
             opportunities to consider additional attack patterns.
                                                              of other organizations like NIST and MITRE. In this way,
                                                              the value of the knowledge base increases as it
             Increasing The Level Of Automation               accumulates knowledge from a wider set of
             When we describe automation, we generally try to  vulnerability and remediation data.
             remove as much human intervention as possible. This
             improves consistency and increases speed.        Threat Modeling Is Now A Critical
             Unfortunately, as of today,  we don't have fully
             automated threat modeling. There is work being done  Business Capability
             to bring the benefits of AI into threat modeling. As of  Threat modeling has now become a critical capability
             now, however, we still need a consistent way to rapidly  for business leaders. It helps to identify areas of security
             translate recommended  mitigations  from  threat  risk, a board-level imperative. Not only that, but it also
             modeling into actionable stories that have clear exit  provides the steps required to mitigate the threat. This
             criteria-something developers can execute against.  provides a basis for cost/benefit analysis. Areas of
                                                              software security risk must be analyzed and remediated
             The answer to this lies in creating a map between  without sacrificing speed and agility. To a business
             vulnerability mitigations and software code (which does  stakeholder, having this type of information available
             not preclude configuration files and other "as code"  in a timely manner can make a huge difference in
             artifacts). Using such a map, a test is triggered to verify  managing operational risk and value delivery.

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