Page 38 - Risk Management Bulletin April-June 2022
P. 38



             Risk identifiction                               Risk management framework
             Risk identification is a process that is used to find,  According to ISO 31000, a risk management
             recognize, and describe the risks that could affect the  framework is a set of components that support and
             achievement of objectives.                       sustain risk management throughout an organization.
                                                              There are two types of components: foundations and
             Risk Analysis                                    arrangements. Foundations include your risk
             Risk analysis is a process that is used to understand the  management policy, objectives, mandate, and
             nature, sources, and causes of the risks that you have  commitment. And arrangements include the plans,
             identified and to estimate the level of risk. It is also  relationships, accountabilities, resources, processes,
             used to study impacts and consequences and to    and activities you use to manage your organization's
             examine the controls that exist.                 risk.

             Risk Evaluation                                  Risk management plan
             Risk evaluation is a process that is used to compare risk  An organization's risk management plan describes how
             analysis results with risk criteria in order to determine  it intends to manage risk. It describes the management
             whether or not a specified level of risk is acceptable  components, the approach, and the resources that are
             or tolerable.
                                                              used to manage risk. Typical management components
                                                              include procedures, practices, responsibilities, and
             Risk attitude                                    activities (including their sequence and timing).
             An organization's risk attitude defines its general
             approach to risk. An organization's risk attitude (and
                                                              Risk management policy
             its risk criteria) influence how risks are assessed and
                                                              A policy statement defines a general commitment,
             addressed. An organization's attitude towards risk  direction, or intention. A risk management policy
             affects whether or not risks are taken, tolerated,  statement expresses an organization's commitment to
             retained, shared, reduced, or avoided, and whether or
                                                              risk management and clarifies its general direction or
             not treatments are implemented or postponed.
             Risk identification
             Risk identification is a process that involves finding,  Risk management process
             recognizing, and describing the risks that could  According to ISO 31000, a risk management process
             influence the achievement of objectives. It is used to  systematically applies management policies,
             identify possible sources of risk in addition to the  procedures, and practices to a set of activities intended
             events and circumstances that could influence the  to establish the context, communicate and consult with
             achievement of objectives.                       stakeholders, and identify, analyze, evaluate, treat,
                                                              monitor, record, report, and review risk.
             Risk management
             Risk management refers  to a coordinated set  of  Risk owner
             activities and methods that is used to direct an  A risk owner is a person or entity that has been given
             organization and to control the many risks that can  the authority to manage a particular risk and is
             affect its ability to achieve objectives.        accountable for doing so.

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