Page 3 - Risk Management Bulletin April-June 2022
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                 Registered Under Societies Registration Act - 1961 Vide Registration No. S/73835 (WB)
                 A Non Profit Organisation Engaged in Promotion of Risk Management Discipline in India

                              VOL. V - No. 02 - April - June 2022      Editorial

            Council Members
            Mr. R.G.Agarwala, President
            Prof. (Dr.) Abhijit K Chattoraj, Vice President
                                                           Climate  Risk  Management  needs  a  serious  action  plans  by
            Dr. Rakesh Agarwal, Secretary General          various  countries  around  the  world.  According  to  a  report
            Mr. Shyam Agarwal, Treasurer                   published by Asian Development Bank Asia and the Pacific is
            Mr. Vineet Agrwal                              among the regions that are most vulnerable to climate change.
            Mr. Naren Bonnerjee
            Mr. Bilwa Banerjee                             The Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on
                                                           Climate Change brought out key climate-related risks, including
                                                           potential threats to agricultural productivity and food security,
            Advisory Council Members
                                                           uncertain supply of freshwater in the face of rapidly increasing
            Mr. B D Banerjee
                                                           demand, rising sea levels and their impact on the region’s urban
            Mr. Kamalji Sahay                              and small island populations, and various threats to health such
            Mr. G Srinivasan                               as  morbidity  and  mortality  resulting  from  heat  waves  and
            Mr. Kaushal K Mishra                           accelerated spread of infectious diseases.
            Mr. Sridhar Kalyanasundaram
                                                           The  region’s  economic  growth  is  therefore  also  at  risk.  As
            Mr. Somit Chitrey
                                                           understanding  of  the  regional  impact  of  climate  change
            Mr. KB Vijay Srinivas
                                                           improves, governments in the region are focusing more and more
                                                           on  adaptation  priorities  and  strategies,  along  with  the  funds
            RMAI Industry Experts                          needed to implement them.
            Mr. Amol Padhye - Banking
            Mr. N.K.V Roop Kumar - Life Insurance          According  to  WEF  Global  Risks  Report  the  climate  crisis
            Mr. Anjan Bhattacharya - Life Insurance        remains the biggest long-term threat facing humanity.
            Mr. Ganesh Iyer - Life Insurance               Respondents to the 2022 World Economic Forum Global Risks
            Mr. Vikas Newatia - General Insurance          Perception Survey ranked 'Climate action failure' as the number
            Mr. Avez Sayed - General Insurance             one risk with potentially the most severe impact over the next
            Mr. Surath Mukherjee - Corporate               decade.
            Mr. Dwaipayan Dutta - Life and Health
                                                           Extreme weather due to climate change is seen as the second
            Mr. Kr Sumit Gaurav - Life Insurance, Uganda
                                                           most serious short-term risk, with biodiversity loss coming in
            RMAI Brand Ambassador
            Mr. Shaik Gulam Afzal Biya Bani,               Now in its 17th edition, the report encourages governments to
            Middle-East and North Africa (MENA)            think outside the quarterly reporting cycle and create policies
                                                           that  shape  the  agenda  for  the  coming  years.  It  urges  global
                                                           leaders  to  come  together  and  adopt  a  coordinated  multi-
            RMAI Academic Council
                                                           stakeholder  response  to  ensure  the  transition  to  net-zero
            Prof Manoj K Pandey
            Prof Pratik Priyadarshi
            Dr. A. A. Attarwala                            The  onus  is  now  on  governments  to  submit  more  ambitious
                                                           climate  plans  and  to  take  immediate,  tangible  and  effective
            Registered Office                              action  to  meet  climate  targets.  The  introduction  of  economic
                                                           drivers, such as mechanisms to establish an effective carbon
            25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street
                                                           price, will be an important step for businesses.
            Near Girish Park Metro, Kolkata – 700007 (India)
            Website :                     All the stakeholders must come together to fight this crisis which
            Email :                      will be much bigger than the COVID 19 pandemic in years to
            Help Line : 033 22184184 / 40078378 / 40078428  come.

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