Page 39 - Life Insurance underwriting Ebook IC 22
P. 39

HUF: It is defined under the Hindu Law as a family that consists of all persons lineally
               descended from a common ancestor, including wives and unmarried daughters.

                    The Karta has to be the oldest male in the family.
                    If he passes away, his wife cannot become the Karta. His eldest son will take his
                    If he chooses not to, he can give up his right and the next son in line can take his
                    The Karta generally manages the family property, which is regarded as the joint
                       property of all the coparceners.


                    All the male members are referred to as coparceners.
                    Hindu  coparcenaries  include the  sons,  grandsons  and  great-grandsons  of  the
                       holder of the joint family property. By virtue of their birth, they acquire an interest
                       in the property.


                    The female members are simply called members.
                    When an unmarried daughter marries, she becomes a member of her husband's
                       family and does not remain a member of her father's family/ RU F

               Tax laws pertaining to HUF

                    Separate entity: Under the Indian income tax laws, HUF is treated as a separate
                       entity and an insurance policy bought through an HUF gets tax rebate for HUF.
                    Deductions  and  exemptions:  An  HUF  is  eligible  for  all  the  deductions  and
                       exemptions as described under the tax laws.
                    Policies from HUE income: Neither the 'karta' nor any other member of the HUF
                       can take policies to be financed from the HUF income, seeking the benefits only
                       for himself or his immediate dependents.
                    Nomination:  a  policy  affected  under  HUF  does  not  have  the  provision  for
                       appointment of nominee etc. as HUF will be the owner of the policy.
                    Premium: payment of premium will always be through HUF funds.
                    HUF  income:  since  the  HUF  is  a  separate  entity,  it  can  earn  income  from
                       investment of the HUF's funds, business profits, house property, capital gain etc.,
                       except income from salary. HUF income is separately assessed and taxed.
                    Insurance cover amount: generally, a multiple of 10        is applied to the income of
                       an HUF to arrive at the total financial eligibility for policies sourced through HUF.

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