Page 40 - Life Insurance underwriting Ebook IC 22
P. 40

5.  Understand  the  provisions  of  insurance  under  the  Married  Women  Property

               5.1 Provisions of the Married Women Property (MWP) Act

               In 1874 the Indian Government passed the Married Women's Property Act, which allows
               a married man to name an insurance policy in the benefit of his wife and children, and
               thus protect it from creditors. Even if a man is a widower or divorced, he can still take
               out an insurance policy under this Act and name it in the benefit of his children.

               Section 6 of the MWP Act

               Section 6 of the MWP Act provides that a policy effected by any married man on his
               own office for the benefit of his wife or children shall be deemed to be a trust for the
               benefit of his wife, or of his wife and children, or any of them according to the interest so
               expressed, and shall not be subject to the control of the life assured (husband), or to his
               creditors. Such policy shall also not form a part of the estate of the life assured.

               5.2 Beneficiary under the Act

               Under the MWP Act, the beneficiary can be:

                    the wife alone; or
                    one or more children (both natural and adopted); or
                    the wife and one or more children jointly

               5.3 Protection under the Act

               The beneficiaries  of  the  plan  once  declared  cannot be  changed  at  any  time  by  the
               proposer. It is to be noted that policies taken under the MWP Act can neither be claimed
               by the other legal heirs nor by the husband's creditors. Even the husband cannot claim
               any benefit. Therefore, an absolute estate is created in favor of the wife, or children, or
               wife and children together.

               As  the  policy  issued  under  the  MWP  Act  covers  the  life  of  an  individual  with
               beneficiaries as mentioned above, it needs to be treated as personal insurance cover
               for  the  purpose  of  financial  underwriting.  An  income  multiple  approach  or  a  need
               analysis method can be used to arrive at the cover amount.

               6. Describe the various sources of financial data

               6.1 Sources of financial data

               Like medical underwriting, the starting point of financial underwriting is the application
               form.  Based  on  the  information  provided  in  an  individual's  profile  regarding  age,

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