Page 17 - Banking Finance December 2020
P. 17


         Rs. 2 crore from ecommerce opera-  Removing the need to store bank de-  Under the system, companies have to
         tions. The levy won't apply to Flipkart  tails, the facility benefits partner SMEs  raise e-invoices through a unique in-
         as its ecommerce operations are car-  in diverse sectors such as gaming, e-  voice reference portal and generate
         ried out by Indian-registered entity,  commerce, retail, export and manu-  the IRN (invoice reference number).
         which is subject to local taxes.   facturing, to transfer salaries, vendor  Failing this, the companies concerned
                                            payments, and commissions instantly.  will not be able to move goods for busi-
         Top 1,000 listed firms must        Paytm Payout Links can be easily cre-  ness-to-business (B2B) transactions.
                                            ated and shared with customers, ven-  The government plans to throw open
         have risk management               dors and employees in one go, said a  e-invoicing for all companies from April
         committee: SEBI                    release issued by the company.     next year.

         SEBI has proposed to make it manda-  The receiver needs to simply open the  Rs. 65,000 crore booster
         tory for top 1,000 listed entities to set  link and is automatically provided a list
         up a risk management committee.    of saved accounts such as Paytm Wal-  for fertiliser industry, to
         Currently, the top 500 listed entities,  let, Paytm UPI and connected bank  help clear subsidy dues
         in terms of market capitalisation, are  accounts, which can be chosen to re-  The fertiliser industry has landed an
         required to set up such a committee.  ceive money instantly.          unexpected pre-Diwali bonanza, with

         "Considering the multitude of risks  From Jan 1, e-invoicing          the Finance Minister Nirmala
         faced by listed entities, risk manage-  mandatory for firms with      Sitharaman, announcing an additional
         ment has emerged as a very important                                  Rs 65,000 crore subsidy, over and
         function of the board. The Covid-19 turnover of Rs. 100 cr or         above the Rs 71,309 crore already pro-
                                                                               vided in the Union Budget for 2020-21.
         pandemic has also reinforced the need  more
         for a robust risk management frame-                                   Fertiliser companies were owed around
                                            The government has made it manda-
         work," SEBI said in a consultation pa-                                Rs 48,000 crore subsidy dues at the
                                            tory for companies with annual turn-
         per issued. The role and responsibility                               start of the current fiscal. The subsidy
                                            over of at least Rs 100 crore to go for
         of the risk management committee                                      requirement for 2020-21 alone - based
                                            e-invoicing for business to companies  on the expected consumption of indi-
         may include formulating a detailed
                                            (B2C) transactions from January 2021.  vidual fertilisers, cost of imported urea
         policy which shall include a framework  It has come out with a notification to
         for identification of internal and exter-  this effect.               and feedstock (natural gas), rupee-dol-
                                                                               lar exchange rate, etc - was pegged at
         nal risks faced by the listed entity.
                                            Currently, e-invoicing is mandatory for  Rs 80,000-85,000 crore. The two
                                            companies with annual turnover of at  added up to Rs 128,000-133,000 crore.
         Paytm rolls out payout             least Rs 500 crore. While it was made
                                                                               Given the subsidy provision of just Rs
         links                              mandatory from October, the govern-  71,309 crore, it would have meant a
                                            ment had put off penalty for errant
         Paytm has launched Payout Links for                                   further increase in arrears to Rs
                                            companies for at least one month.
         businesses, enabling them to instantly                                56,000-62,000 crore, to be carried for-
                                            Abhishek Jain, tax partner at EY, said,"  ward to 2021-22. "The Rs 65,000 crore
         process payouts to customers, employ-
         ees and vendors, without collecting  Aligned to the recent communications  extra allocation announced by the Fi-
                                            by various government officials, e-in-  nance Minister will wipe all
         their bank details.
                                            voicing has now been notified for com-  outstandings due to the industry. The
         As businesses struggle with the ever-  panies with a turnover of Rs 100 crore  additional expenditure will be approved
         growing numbers of manual financial  and above companies as well. With  as part of the supplementary demands
         processes, Payout Links offers seamless  only 50 more days to go, these mid-size  for grants in the upcoming winter ses-
         payment integration for businesses to  companies would need to soon gear  sion of Parliament or when the revised
         quickly send incentives and refunds to  up their processes and IT systems to  estimates for this fiscal are placed
         customers through the easy and inex-  enable compliance with this new in-  along with the Budget for 2021-22," a
         pensive method of a simple payout link.  voicing regulation."         fertiliser department official told. T

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                            DECEMBER | 2020 | 17
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