Page 21 - Banking Finance December 2020
P. 21


         Co-Operative Bank


         Janata Co-op Bank's                Nizamuddin (East), New Delhi. "We are  opment Infrastructure Ltd (HDIL). The
                                            also looking to open more branches to  bank has an exposure of over Rs 6,200
         crosses Rs 270 cr biz              attract more and more customers in  crore to HDIL. The RBI has superseded

         Janata Cooperative Bank has crossed a  the coming days. We have applied for  the board of the bank and has ap-
         business mix of Rs 270 crore and   two branches and are awaiting ap-  pointed an administrator.
         earned a net profit of Rs 1.71 crore in  proval from RBI", added the MD of the
         2019-20 financial year, informed P S  bank.                           DCCB Chairman demands
         Pathania, MD of the UCB.
                                            More than 7000 shareholders are as-  release of dues from SFC
         "The business mix of the bank has in-  sociated with the bank. In the last FY,
         creased from Rs 265.43 crore to Rs  the bank earned a net profit to the  While addressing the meeting of Chair-
         272.4 crore in 2019-20 financial year.  tune of Rs 1.71 crore. Earlier it was Rs  man of 23 District Central Cooperative
         There is a slight decrease in deposits  1.58 crore", he noted.        Banks (DCCB) recently, Bihar State
         but the loans and advances substan-                                   Cooperative Bank Chairman Ramesh
         tially increased.                  PMC Bank seeks bidders             Chandra Chaubey demanded that the
         The deposits of the bank decreased  for its reconstruction            state government should provide
                                                                               money from public sector banks at zero
         from Rs 172.35 crore to Rs 171.70                                     or maximum 3 percent interest for
                                            Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative
         crore whereas loans and advances                                      purchasing paddy from farmers.
         grew from Rs 93.08 crore to Rs 100.70  (PMC) Bank has invited interest from
         crore in 2019-20 FY", informed P S  potential bidders for the reconstruc-  He demanded that the State Food Cor-
                                            tion of the bank.                  poration should release the dues of Rs
         Besides, the share capital of the bank  "(The) objective of the process of invi-  18 crore immediately. PACCs have to
                                                                               pay additional interest due to delay in
         rose from 4.80 crore to Rs 4.92 crore.  tation of EoI (expression of interest) is
                                            to identify a suitable equity investor/  payment by SFC.
         The reserves increased from Rs 13.36
                                            group of investors willing to take over  It was informed during the meeting
         crore to Rs 14.62 crore as on 31st
                                            management control so as to revive  that the arrears of Ara DCCB are Rs 6
         March 2020. In the Covid times, our
         bank has reduced the interest rates on  the bank and commence regular day-  cr and that of Nalanda Central opera-
                                            to-day operations," said the bank in its  tive bank is 10 cr.
         all loans and also planning to make
         new plans to increase the business  advertisement.                    The meeting was attended by Vaishali
         which is affected due to the       PMC Bank is under regulatory restric-  Central Government Bank Chairman
         coronavirus, he said.              tions after the Reserve Bank of India  VishundevRai, Muzaffarpur Central Coop-
                                            (RBI) found out financial irregularities  erative Bank President Amarnath
         Pathania further asserted that the UCB
                                            in its functioning, hiding and classifica-  Pandey, Ara Central Government Bank
         has a branch network of 5 along with
         one extension counter at Hazrat    tion of loans given to Housing Devel-  President Satyendra Narayan Singh,

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                            DECEMBER | 2020 | 21
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