Page 51 - The Insurance Times May 2021
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7. This Circular shall come into force with immediate  III. Practical training of Six Months with Individual
             effect.                                             Experienced Surveyors having 8   years of experience
                                                                 in the concerned department:
         (P K Arora)                                          a) The curriculum remains the same as mentioned at para
         Member (Actuary)                                        II(a) under the institutional training.
                                                              b) For the applicants, a maximum of three departments
         Guidelines for Practical Training for                   are allowed at the time of enrolment subject to
         Surveyors and Loss Assessors                            meeting the eligibility criteria.

         IRDA/SUR/GDL/MISC/068/03/2021                        c)  Additional departments:   After passing the relevant
                                                                 examination, the applicants have to complete training
                                                                 for each additional department for a period of 8 weeks
         I.  Preliminary                                         with the experienced surveyor having licence and at
         These guidelines are issued in furtherance to the Circular  least eight years of experience in that line of business.
         vide Ref: IRDA/SUR/GDL/MISC/288/12/2020 dated 01/12/  d) The training shall be imparted by an experienced
         2020 on Guidelines for Practical Training for Surveyors and  surveyor as a part of code of conduct towards
         Loss Assessors for obtaining fresh / renewal licence to act  professional development by surveyors without charging
         as a surveyor and loss assessor.                        any fee.
         These guidelines are being issued in terms of Sec.14 of IRDAI  IV. After completion of the training, the applicant has
         Act, 1999 and in terms of Regulation 3(2)(b) and (c) of  to pass the Final practical test conducted by NIA or
         Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India  III and submit the training evaluation cum
         (Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors) Regulations, 2015.  completion certificate for issue or renewal of license
         II. Institutional Practical training:                V. This is issued with the approval of the Competent
         a) Institutional Practical training for Two Months with  Authority.
             National Insurance Academy (NIA) or Insurance
             Institute of India (III). This should include but not limited  (Suresh Mathur)
             to the following:                                Executive Director
             (i) Introduction to different types of policies,
                 endorsements, various terminologies used in  Extension of timelines for sale and
                 insurance, and nature of claims;
                                                              renewal of short term Covid specific
             (ii) Industrial and field visits to examine practical cases
                 in co-ordination with insurers and other     health insurance policies
                 stakeholders;                                IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/061/03/2021
             (iii) Use of technology, advanced techniques and tools                              Date:24-03-2021
                 available for assessment of risks and losses;

             (iv) Report writing including presentation of the facts,  1. Reference is invited to the short term Covid specific
                 terms and conditions of the policy and admissibility  health insurance policies permitted to be offered by all
                 of claims in a precise and accurate manner and  Insurers.
                 importance of timely submission of reports in  2. In partial modification of Clause 5 of Guidelines on
                 compliance with regulatory requirements;        introduction of short term health insurance policies
             (v) Code of Conduct required for treating policyholders  providing coverage for COVID-19 specific diseases of
                 fairly during the entire process of assessment of loss.  Circular IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/156/06/2020 dated
                                                                 23.06.2020 all insurers are permitted to offer and renew
         b) Additional departments:  A person can enroll for upto
             three departments during the aforesaid programme    short term Covid specific health policies up to 30.9.2021.
             subject to meeting the eligibility criteria.  For each of  3. Accordingly, Corona Kavach Policies offered as per
             the additional departments, after passing the relevant  Guidelines on Covid Standard Indemnity based Health
             examination, the applicant has to undergo practical  Policy of Circular ref no. IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/163/06/
             training for a period of 2 weeks.                   2020 dated 26.09.2020 and Corona Rakshak Policies
         c)  The fee per person payable to institution is as specified  offered as per Guidelines on Covid Standard benefit
             by III or NIA, as the case may be.                  based Health Policy of Circular ref no. IRDAI/HLT/REG/

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