Page 48 - The Insurance Times May 2021
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had purchased fuel from a petrol pump in a can. Following  under the Motor Vehicles Act is not necessary for an insurer
         this, the cops procured the petrol pump's CCTV footage. On  to repudiate an accident policy claim on the ground of
         being confronted with video evidence, Raja confessed to  drunken driving.
         having burnt Rangaraj alive.
                                                              The SC held that if the insurance company is able to
         Police investigation disclosed that Rangaraj had borrowed  establish from the facts that the driver was under the
         around Rs. 1.5 crore from several lenders, who persistently  influence of alcohol at the time of the accident, it will not
         troubled Jothimani for money. Rangaraj had taken three  be deprived of its right to exclude the policy benefit merely
         insurance policies worth Rs. 3.5 crore, with Jothimani being  on the ground that the scientific tests for alcohol presence
         the nominee. Jothimani decided to kill him and make it  were not carried out.
         appear like an accident, with the intention to claim the  A division bench comprising justices U.U. Lalit, Indira
         insurance amount. She approached Raja, who agreed to  Banerjee and K.M. Joseph observed in the case of IFFCO
         help her for money. She gave him Rs. 50,000 as advance,
                                                              Tokio General Insurance Company Ltd v Pearl Beverages
         and Rs. 1 lakh was to be paid after Rangaraj's elimination.  Ltd., " cases, where there is no scientific material, in
         Police said that both the accused have been arrested and  the form of test results available, as in the case before us,
         they have confessed to the crime.                    it may not disable the insurer from establishing a case for
                                                              exclusion. The totality of the circumstances obtaining in a
         HC declares all insurance companies                  case, must be considered."

         liable to give effect to Mental Healthcare           Even if the exact alcohol content present in the body was
                                                              not established, the insurer can invoke the exclusion clause
         Act from 2018                                        in the policy contract, attendant circumstances show that
         The Delhi High Court has recently held that all insurance  the accident was caused while driving under the influence
         companies are liable to give effect to the Mental    of alcohol.
         Healthcare Act, 2017 in their policies from the time it came
         into force in 2018 and any delay in doing so would be  CBI arrests 2 insurance officers for
         "contrary to the letter and spirit of the law".
                                                              demanding Rs. 4.5 lakh bribe to settle
         Justice Prathiba M. Singh said insurance regulator IRDAI is duty
         bound to supervise the insurance companies and ensure that accidental death claim
         they comply with the Act and it "cannot turn a blind eye" to  Central Bureau of Investigation has recently arrested a
         non-implementation of the same. IRDAI has to ensure that all  Senior Divisional Manager and an Administrative Officer of
         the insurance products issued by insurance companies are in  the National Insurance Company Ltd. for allegedly
         accordance with the law, the high court ordered.     demanding a bribe of Rs. 4.5 lakh to settle the accidental
         The court's directions came on a woman's plea whose claim  death claim of a person.
         for reimbursement of costs for treatment of schizophrenia  After getting the complaint, CBI had laid a trap where
         were rejected by the National Insurance Company Ltd on  Nahida, the accused Administrative Officer posted at
         the ground that psychiatric disorders were excluded from  Srinagar office, had to receive Rs. 2 lakh as the first
         medical cover.                                       installment of the alleged bribe, they stated. After her
         The court held that her claim for Rs. 6.67 lakh was  arrest while allegedly receiving the bribe, the alleged role
                                                              of Senior Divisional Manager Ravikant Goel also surfaced
         reimbursable and that she was entitled to the same. The
                                                              and he was also taken into custody.
         court also imposed a cost of Rs. 25,000 on the insurance
         company to be paid to the woman for forcing her to opt  R.C. Joshi, CBI Spokesperson, said, "A case was registered
         for litigation to claim reimbursement.               against the accused on a complaint alleging therein that a
                                                              Dealing Official (later on, identified as Administrative
         Blood test not necessary for insurance               Officer), National Insurance Company Ltd., Srinagar has
                                                              demanded a bribe of Rs. 4.5 lakh from the complainant to
         company to reject claim over drunken                 settle personal accidental claim of her father who died in a
         driving: SC                                          road accident."
         In a notable judgment, the Supreme Court has recently held  It was also alleged that the said accused would be sharing
         that a breath analyzer test or blood test as contemplated  the bribe money with seniors.

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