Page 45 - The Insurance Times May 2021
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National Seminar on "Modern Day Thoughts in Marketing of
Insurance Services"
Organised by:
Kolkata Insurance Institute
(Formerly Indian Insurance Society)
Date: Saturday, 13th March, 2021
at Hotel Pride Plaza, Kolkata
K olkata Insurance Institute organised a national Chatterjee, Dept. of Commerce, Calcutta University spoke
seminar physically on March 13, 2021 at Hotel
on methodology for market communications in insurance
Pride Plaza, New Town, Rajarhat on "Modern
product selling and for creating the relation between the
Day Thoughts in Marketing of Insurance
marketing to be reviewed and to be doubtless and
Services". 68 participants were present in the seminar. From insurer and public at large. Various values of business
College of Insurance, Kolkata Mr. Pradip Sarkar and Mr. P.N. transparent. She stressed on the trustworthiness between
Karmakar were present. For holding the seminar prior the buyer and seller.
approval was taken from III, Mumbai.
In the fourth panel discussion the topic was distribution
The seminar was inaugurated by Mrs. Tajinder Mukherjee, channels and delivery of services that can be made optional
C.M.D., National Insurance Co. Ltd. Mrs. Mukherjee for the different segments of insurance market particularly
emphasised the need of innovative ideas in marketing of for the rising millennial customers as well as for the masses.
insurance services. She added that the insurance industry This session was moderated by Mrs. Kasturi Sengupta, Chief
was transforming repidly and new thoughts will help in Manager, NICL, Faculty Member of COI, Mumbai/Kolkata.
further growth of the industry. Very tricky and pertinent questions were put which were
Mr. B.K. Nayak, Dy. General Manager, NICL and the excellently dealt by Mr. Soumya Mukherjee, General
Working President of KII welcomed all the participants with Manager (Retd.), Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. having 30
a high hope on the seminar. years experience in hard core marketing of insurance.
Mr. Ravi, General Manager, National Insurance Co. Ltd. and Dr. Konika Chatterjee, Dr. Krishna Dasgupta and Mr.
the President of KII spoke on the theme of the seminar. He Angshuman Roy, Faculty of CA Inst., IISWBM and College of
also briefed on the latest trend of marketing. Insurance, Kolkata. All panelists replied the questions with
practical example. The seminar was highly enjoyed by the
After tea break first technical session was started. Mr. B.K.
Nayak was the first Speaker. He briefed the introductory
theory of marketing emphasizing the insurance marketing. Moderator Mrs. Kasturi Sengupta was felicitated at the
He explained the relevance of Blue Ocean Strategy in the inaugural session for receiving Best Essay Writing Award on
modern marketing. He focused on additional 3Ps of Road Safety organized by III. C.M.D., National Insurance Co.
marketing services with interesting slide. Ltd. felicitated her with a token of momento.
Second session was taken by (Mrs.) Dr. Krishna Dasgupta, Hony. General Secretary proposed the vote of thanks. Jaya
Professor, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar. Chakraborty, A.M. NICL compered the entire programme
Her topic was 'Branding the Service Products in Marketing: in excellent manner.
How the Branding Made Visible in Insurance Marketing'.
In the third technical session, Mrs. Professor Konika Event photographs on page 29
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