Page 42 - The Insurance Times May 2021
P. 42

policy holder (individual or group) for pre-existing conditions
                                                              and time bound exclusions, from one insurer to another
                                                              insurer within the time frame and without any rider.
                                                              Contrary, the group policy holder is deprived of portability
                                                              as the Group Aggregator (GA) is not evincing any interest
                                                              to take up the matter with the concerned for resolution.
                                                              This is compelling the policy holder either to continue with
                                                              the same insurance company, though not interested, or join
                                                              in another company and wait for 2 or 3 years for pre-existing
                                                              disease claims. The regulator has to look into this area and
                                                              ensure the portability to all policy holders who are

                                                              It is observed that the majority of GAs are not evincing the
         is between Rs. 5 to Rs. 10 lakh per annum with cross-  desired attention to protect the interests of the group
         subsidisation by the respective institutions in case of retired  members and not exercising their prudent negotiation skills
         employees and with regard to others, it should be done by
                                                              with the insurance companies while renewing the policies.
         the centre/states.
                                                              They are more interested in fee income and dropping the
                                                              policy holders like hot potato to the mercy of the insurance
         The cost of the health insurance policy mainly consists of
         claims, operating expenses and taxes. On implementation
         of GST regime, the tax component has increased from 15%
                                                              The argument of insurance players in favour of hike in
         to 18% which is a big burden on the policy holders. Health
                                                              premium is mainly due to increased claims coupled with
         care being a priority subject on the government agenda,
                                                              medical inflation. The chief reason for this is not having
         taxing the individuals that too on purchase of health
                                                              uniform rate for each ailment or disease and the treatment
         insurance policies is not fair. Government need to revisit its
                                                              cost varies from hospital to hospital within a city/town.
         stand and initiate steps to bring down GST to zero forthwith
         since the senior citizens need it the most.          Further, it is a well-known fact that private hospitals are
                                                              charging extra to card holder compared to normal cash
                                                              payment. Thus, monetary cap on ailments and uniform
         Since health policies are subjected for renewal every year,
         it is the responsibility of the insurer to inform the changes  billing with or without health card is the need of the hour.
         in premium or any other terms & conditions of the policy,  The Gen-S segment is known for their hard work, sacrifices,
         to the insured well in advance. Conversely, the insurance  devotion and dedication to the family, organisation where
         companies are communicating the revised premium rates  they worked as well as to the society. It is not out of place
         just before the due date of the policy, causing inconvenience  to mention that the senior citizens are the most law-abiding
         to the insured. Thus, the regulator has to ensure that the  lot and have been genuinely paying taxes all through the
         policy holder receives communication from the insured  years for the nation building. In the process, they have
         minimum three months before the due date to enable him/  exhausted all their energies and resources and are left with
         her to take informed decision either to renew the policy or  little income to lead their second innings independently.
         to switch to other insurance companies with seamless
         portability.                                         "Respect Elders", though has a resonance in various forums,
                                                              but very little is done in letter and spirit. The Gen-S group is
         Levying premium based on the age of the policy holder is to  forced to look up to the Government, Regulator and former
         be scrapped forthwith especially in case of group policies.  employers not for any freebies or charity but for deserving
         The revision of the premium, if any, should be reasonable  health coverage to continue their journey in their twilight
         and uniform across all age groups.                   years with peace and dignity. The stakeholders need not be
                                                              reminded that this moral act is the least tribute that can
         As per IRDAI guidelines, it is the responsibility of the  be paid to the elders who were once born young. Hope, good
         insurance companies to transfer the credit gained by the  days are ahead for Senior Citizens!!!  T

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