Page 43 - The Insurance Times May 2021
P. 43




         EVOLVING,  AND



         B        usiness E-mail Compromise (BEC) is the fastest  the COVID-19 pandemic, which has exacerbated

                  growing type of social engineering fraud - a broad
                                                              vulnerabilities in companies' defenses.
                  category of scams in which perpetrators
                  impersonate a trusted party to manipulate their
                                                              some control over security. People have a tendency to utilize
         victims into giving away either funds or valuable information  With most employees working from home, employers lose
         willingly. This deceptive form of theft is also known as phishing.  home networks and devices as workarounds to IT issues that
                                                              arise in their employer's internal system. That provides new
         Though this risk is not new, it is evolving. Here are three  avenues through which fraudsters can reach their targets,
         trends amplifying the threat of BEC, and how businesses can  with less chance of being caught in company filters.
         better protect themselves from loss:
                                                              Additionally, employees are dealing with new levels of stress,
                                                              balancing full-time work with homeschooling, childcare and in
         1. Stressed out, remote workforces make              some cases eldercare, on top of fears over becoming infected
         easier targets                                       with the virus itself. When people are under pressure, they're
                                                              more likely to give in to urgent demands coming from a
         According to the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), BEC
                                                              presumably important vendor or business partner.
         scams doubled in 2020 compared to 2019. Insurers have
         undoubtedly seen a spike in claims since the beginning of  Fraudsters are capitalizing on the stress, uncertainty and
                                                              occasional cyber security lapses of the past year, growing
                              About the author                bolder in their tactics and demands.

                       Greg Bangs                             2. Fraudsters are growing bolder and
                       SVP, Crime Regional Leader -           applying more pressure
                       North America at AXA XL
                                                              In the classic BEC scenario, the thief poses as a vendor

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