P. 196

n) Corporate Floater or Buffer Cover amount helps meet excess expenses over
    and above the family sum insured.

o) Overseas Mediclaim / Travel Policies provide cover to an individual against
    exposure to the risk of accident, injury and sickness during his stay

p) Corporate Frequent Travelers‟ Plan is an annual policy whereby a corporate
    takes individual policies for its executives who frequently make trips outside

q) Many terms used in health insurance have been standardized by IRDA by
    regulation to avoid confusion especially for the insureds.

Answers to Test Yourself

Answer 1

The correct option is II.

Though the duration of cover for pre-hospitalization expenses would vary from
insurer to insurer and is defined in the policy, the most common cover is for
thirty days pre-hospitalization.

Answer 2

The correct option is I.

As per IRDA guidelines, a 30 days grace period is allowed for renewal of
individual health policies.

Self-Examination Questions

Question 1

Which of the below statement is correct with regards to a hospitalization
expenses policy?

I. Only hospitalization expenses are covered
II. Hospitalization as well as pre and post hospitalization expenses are covered
III. Hospitalization as well as pre and post hospitalization expenses are covered

    and a lumpsum amount is paid to the family members in the event of
    insured‟s death
IV. Hospitalization expenses are covered from the first year and pre and post
    hospitalization expenses are covered from the second year if the first year is
    claim free.

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