P. 230
III. Statement 1 and statement 2 are true
IV. Statement 1 and statement 2 are false
As part of the risk management process, the underwriter uses two methods of
transferring his risks especially in case of large group policies:
Coinsurance: This refers to the acceptance of a risk by more than one insurer.
Normally, this is done by way of allocating a percentage of the risk to each
insurer. Thus the policy may be accepted by two insurers say, Insurer A with a
60% share and Insurer B with a 40% share. Normally, insurer A would be the lead
insurer handling all matters relating to the policy, including issuance of the
policy and settlement of claims. Insurer B would reimburse insurer A for 40% of
the claims paid.
Reinsurance: The insurer accepts risks of various types and sizes. How can he
protect his various risks? He does this by re-insuring his risks with other
insurance companies and this is called reinsurance. Reinsurers therefore accept
risks of insurers either by way of standing arrangements called treaties or on a
case to case basis called facultative reinsurance. Reinsurance is done word-wide
and hence it spreads risk far and wide.