Page 13 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 13

cool colours, achromatic colours etc. Colour triads or com-  5. The colour usually exerts its influence automatically.
         plimentary colours are created and used widely with the  6. Colour meaning and effect has to do with context as well.
         help of the colour wheel. A large section of all graphics in  Colour psychology aims to help brands and marketers make
         the industry are created using Adobe products (Photoshop,
                                                              the most out of one ad deployment by choosing a colour
         InDesign, Illustrator) and these products like many more  strategy that not only complements the colour theory but
         software come equipped with libraries and tools to help  also affects the consumers unconsciously creating greater
         capture, create and mix colours, highlighting their impor-
                                                              impact and enhancing Top of the Mind Recall. The follow-
         tance once again.
                                                              ing are a common association with Blue, Red & Yellow.
         Colour Psychology & Neuromarketing                   Colour  Association   References

         Associative learning is one of the fundamental theoretical  Blue  Trustworthy  Kauppinen-Räisänen& Luomala,
         frameworks for this research. For the context of this re-                  2010
         search, the works of John B. Watson and other psycholo-                    Jacobs et al.,1991
         gists are taken into account. This theory states that we
                                                                      Calming       Kauppinen-Räisänen& Luomala,
         learn to associate different values and emotions to stimuli
         based on past experience. Rewarding experiences help                       Singh, 2006
         positive associations while negative associations are caused
                                                                      Neutral       Singh, 2006
         due to unsatisfactory experiences. This theory thus estab-
                                                                                    Babin et al., 2003
         lishes the duplicity of colour research, which is in part based
         on in-grained impulses and in part based on the experiences  Sad           Chang & Lin, 2010
         of the individual. The associate learning model allows hu-  Red  Excitement  Chang & Lin, 2010
         mans to naturally make choices based on subtle cues such                   Singh, 2006
         as colours, historically this has provided humans with a dis-
                                                                      Love          Simona Petru 2006
         tinct evolutionary advantage by fostering natural harm
                                                                      Anger         Simona Petru 2006
         avoidance. In the modern world, concepts such as these are
         used extensively in marketing and advertising.       Yellow  Optimism      Veronica L. Zammitto, 2005
                                                                      Confident     Veronica L. Zammitto, 2005
         Interestingly, John B. Watson who started as a psycholo-     Friendly      Singh, 2006
         gist, known for the Little Albert Experiment later changed
         his career from that of a researcher to the advertiser.
                                                              Nobel Laureate Francis Crick called it the astonishing hy-
                                                              pothesis: the idea that all human feelings, thoughts, and
         Colour Psychology delves into the study of hues (colour
                                                              actions—even consciousness itself—are just the products of
         value) as a determinant of human behaviour. Marketers
                                                              neural activity in the brain. For marketers, the promise of
         can benefit by seeing colour as an important factor that
                                                              this idea is that neurobiology can reduce the uncertainty
         can influence consumers' emotions and perceptions for
                                                              and conjecture that traditionally hamper efforts to under-
         products. The general model of colour psychology relies on
                                                              stand consumer behaviour. This emerging field of study
         six basic principles, as stated by Whitfield TW:
                                                              shows how consumer responses are not the best judge of
         1. Colour can carry a specific meaning.
         2. Colour meaning is either based in learned meaning or  practical behaviour as most of the decisions are in fact sub-
                                                              consciously made and then consciously justified.
             biologically innate meaning.
         3. The perception of a colour causes evaluation automati-  Research Methodology
             cally by the person perceiving.
                                                              Research Design
         4. The evaluation process forces colour-motivated
             behaviour.                                       This study uses a descriptive research design with the help

                          "Love finds you not because you are seeking it, but because you are giving it."

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