Page 16 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 16
The above table shows hypothesis testing for two different
data sets. Importance*Colour Rank shows the relationship
between the rankings of colour in comparison to other fac-
tors (Table 3) and another question, asking whether colour
is the most important factor. We see that at 0.05 there is
no relationship. For, Importance (Colour has the same mean-
ing irrespective of context) *Variability (Colour is the most
important part of an advertisement) the hypothesis that
there is no relationship is accepted. While there was no sig-
nificant relationship between the ranking, variability and
importance fields, there was a relationship amongst those
fields when compared to gender and age. This shows that
respondents perceive colour to be important in general but
not in comparison to some of the other factors provided.
Variability of colour choice and meanings
in dependence Table 7: XL Catlin
Red Green Yellow Blue Purple
This section analyses the choices in advertisements. Respon-
Overall 22 30 48 63 35
dents were required to select one advertisement from five
provided, all variables were kept to the minimum to ensure 18-22 years old 10 19 15 48 28
that colour gets to be the main deciding factor. This sec- Male 4 9 9 27 18
Female 6 10 6 21 10
tion shows that one colour does not have universal applica-
tion or meaning as participants chose various colour types 43-55 years old 18 18 12 16 14
for the three brands. This further shows that while colours Male 5 6 12 10 4
Female 6 10 6 21 10
have specific uses and appeals, clear favourites do emerge
within these specific applications as well.
From the data compiled, we find out that only 15 respon-
Table 5: Apple dents selected the same colour across the three questions.
While 56 respondents selected the same colour in any 2
Red Pink YellowGreen Blue selections. Among the respondents with 3 same colours,
Overall 49 39 22 33 55 Blue was the colour of choice 7 followed by Yellow. Among
18-22 years old 31 21 10 17 41 the respondents who selected 2 similar colours, Blue fol-
Male 16 5 5 15 26 lowed by Red was the colour of choice. From a mere glance
Female 15 16 5 2 15 at the above data we can see that gender and age are both
43-55 years old 18 18 12 16 14 factors that are influencing the choice in the specific con-
Male 8 7 8 8 6 text.
Female 15 16 5 2 15
Table 8: Chi-Square Test Between XL Catlin &
Table 6: McDonalds's
Blue Yellow Red Green Orange Value df Asymptotic
Overall 76 76 7 16 23
18-22 years old 49 50 4 5 12
Male 20 34 2 5 6
Pearson Chi-Square 28.230a 16 .030
Female 29 16 2 0 6
43-55 years old 27 26 3 11 11 Likelihood Ratio 32.765 16 .008
Male 14 9 3 5 6 Linear-by-Linear .350 1 .554
Female 29 16 2 0 6 Association
16 PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020