Page 32 - Banking Finance MAY 2017
P. 32


         The Enforcement of

         Security Interest &

         Recovery of Debts

         Laws & Miscellaneous



         Bill, 2016

         Legal Reforms to resolve the Bad Debt                RBI

         The Indian banking system has undergone significant trans-  1. Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) : Will allow lending
         formation following financial sector reforms. It is adopting  banks to to convert loans into equity if a borrower fails
         international best practices with a vision to strengthen the  to adhere to set deadlines
         banking sector. Several prudential and provisioning norms  2. Revamped the 5/25 scheme: Allows the banks to ex-
         have been introduced, and these are pressurizing banks to  tend the re-payment schedule of loans to 25 years, with
         improve efficiency and trim down NPAs to improve the fi-  an option to refinance them at the end of 5 years --
         nancial health in the banking system.                   Will enable banks to mitigate "asset liability manage-
                                                                 ment" risks in funding long gestation projects
         In the face of rising NPAs in banking sector, various mitiga-
                                                              3. BASEL III norms conformance: Bank to mandatorily
         tory steps have been initiated in the recent year by RBI and
                                                                 comply with all the capital provision and risk manage-
         Government. Some of the major initiatives can be high-
                                                                 ment norms within the stipulated time frame
         lighted as under.
                                                              4. Joint Lenders' Forum (JLF) : Borrowers and lenders have
                                                                 to reach a conclusion for a corrective action. After the cor-
                        About the author                         rective action, all lenders under JLF must collectively hold

                                                                 51% or more of the equity shares issued by the company
                        B B Lenka                             Government
                        Chief Manager
                        Union Bank of India Staff College     1. Recapitalisation:
                        Bangalore                                --  Has announced a recapitalisation package (of Rs.
                                                                     80,000 crore for PSBs)

            32 | 2017 | MAY                                                                | BANKING FINANCE

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