Page 10 - Banking Finance December 2023
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         identify accounts, which are operated  cordingly, banks are only able to offer  licensed to offer forex products, expe-
         as Money Mules and take appropriate  variable rates on deposits  totaling  rienced massive volatility, which may
         action, including reporting of suspicious  more than Rs 1 crore.      have contributed to the Indian rupee's
         transactions to FIU-IND," according to                                historic low of Rs. 83.33 against the US
         the revised Master Direction. The defi-  Private banks must have 2    dollar.
         nition of customer due diligence (also                                Refinitiv is a division of London Stock
         known as CDD) is expanded.         whole-time directors: RBI          Exchange Group, or LSEG. It belongs to
                                            In addition to the MD and CEO, private
         The Reserve Bank announced that the  sector banks are required by the RBI  the group of five non-bank organiza-
         updated Master Direction provisions                                   tions that the RBI has given permission
         will take effect right away.       to have at least two full-time directors.  to run electronic trading platforms for
                                            According to the RBI, banks without  the spot foreign exchange market.
                                            two executives on their board of direc-
         RBI mandates that banks            tors must submit proposals for the  Well-placed sources claim that the plat-
         permit early closure of FDs        same within four months.           form  experienced  an  outage  for
                                                                               roughly ten minutes at noon. The RBI
         up to Rs. 1 crore.                 The central bank claims that because  is looking into the matter because it is
                                            the banking industry is becoming more
         According to the RBI, banks are re-                                   said that the short outage caused dis-
         quired to permit early withdrawals on  complex, having two WTDs is now es-  ruptions in the currency market.
         all term deposits up to a maximum of  sential.
         Rs 1 crore. The minimum amount for  "Creating such a group could help with  RBI orders Bajaj Finance to
         "non-callable" fixed deposits has been  succession planning as well, particu-
         increased by the central bank from Rs  larly considering the regulatory re- terminate all eCOM and
         15 lakhs to Rs 1 crore.            quirements regarding the length of  Instant EMI loans.
                                            service and maximum age for MD and
         Prior to this, the banking regulator had                              Due to noncompliance with certain
                                            CEO roles," the RBI stated.
         permitted lenders to charge higher                                    regulations, the Reserve Bank of India
         interest rates on unbreakable fixed  The CEO and MD are considered full-  has instructed Bajaj Finance Limited to
         deposits, which were non-refundable  time directors under the WTD require-  immediately cease the approval and
         upon maturity.                     ment. This implies that senior bankers  disbursement of loans under two of its
                                            would need to be appointed or pro-  lending products, the "Insta EMI Card"
         In a rising interest rate environment,
         banks are motivated to provide higher  moted to the position of WTD by banks  and "eCOM."
                                            without an executive director.
         deposit rates without an early with-                                  The Reserve Bank of India stated that
         drawal option. Customers who have  The RBI has delegated the task of de-  the company's failure to comply with
         non-callable deposits are unable to  termining the number of WTDs to the  the current provisions of its guidelines
         take their money out in the middle of  bank boards, who will consider perti-  for digital lending, specifically the fail-
         an interest rate increase. Customers  nent factors like the scale of operations  ure to provide Key Fact Statements to
         are encouraged to invest in non-call-  and business complexity.       borrowers under these two lending
         able, illiquid deposit schemes because  According to the central bank, banks  products and the inadequacies in the
         they offer a marginally higher rate.  that do not currently have the enabling  Key  Fact  Statements  provided  for
         Bankers believe that protecting small  provisions regarding the appointment  other digital loans the company had
         investors is the reason behind raising  of WTDs in their Articles of Association  been approved for, made this action
         the minimum deposit amount on non-  must apply to RBI right away for the  necessary.
         callable deposits. For non-callable FDs,  required approvals.         The  central  bank  stated  that  once
         banks offer a return that is 25-30 basis                              Bajaj Finance has satisfied the RBI with
         points higher. Higher value deposits  RBI  is  looking  into          the corrections made, the action taken
         yield a higher return.                                                will be reviewed.
                                            Refinitiv's  foreign  ex-
         The RBI increased the bulk deposit cap                                The RBI has taken action against cer-
         for rural banks from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 1  change outage.                tain banking and financial services in-
         crore in a separate notification. Ac-  Refinitiv, an electronic trading platform  dustry players in the last few years for

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