Page 13 - Banking Finance December 2023
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          board for investments of about Rs. 700  794.64  tonnes  in  the  reserves.  By  The programme is applicable to all
          crore which will be made over the next  value, gold's percentage of total for-  domestic contractual disputes in which
          few years," Mother Dairy's managing  eign exchange reserves dropped from  the Indian government or government
          director, Manish Bandlish, stated.  7.81 percent in March 2023 to 7.37  undertakings are one of the parties...
                                            percent at the end of September.   In the meantime.
          The business intends to make signifi-
          cant investments to expand its manu-  372.84 tonnes of gold are held domes-
          facturing base.We are currently in the  tically, while 388.06 tonnes are held in IndiaSkills hopes to attract
          advanced stages of acquiring land in  safe custody with the Bank of England  2.5 million people.
          Nagpur, Maharashtra, in order to es-  and BIS abroad.
          tablish a new plant. Dairy and value-                                The WorldSkills 2022 winners were
          added dairy products will be produced Bengal grants "Industry"       honoured by the Ministry of Skill Devel-

          at this facility. The estimated invest-  status to the tourism in-   opment & Entrepreneurship, which
          ments required to set up this plant are                              also announced the IndiaSkills 2023-24
          Rs. 500 crore. We'll use this as a hub  dustry                       program. In the previous year's world-
                                                                               wide competition, India had clinched
          to service the Western and Southern  The tourism industry received industry
          regions," he continued.           status from the Bengal cabinet, open-  the eleventh spot.
                                            ing the door for increased investment  Union Minister for Skill Development
          81% of foreign exchange           in the field. The decision was made in  Dharmendra  Pradhan spoke at  the
                                            response to Durga Puja's significant  event and urged attendees to increase
          assets are invested in for-       boost to the tourism industry. During  to 2.5 million from 0.25 million the
          eign securities                   puja week, foreign visitor arrivals sur-  previous year. He said this would en-
                                            passed 50,000, according to state gov-  courage the ecosystem to prioritize
          The Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) Re-
          port on Management of Foreign Ex-  ernment  sources.  Maharashtra,   competency over obtaining degrees.
          change Reserves states that as of Sep-  Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar  The minister also emphasized the sig-
          tember, the percentage of India's for-  Pradesh, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu are  nificance of implementing employable
          eign currency assets invested in foreign  among  the  other  states  that  have  skills, as this would boost workers'
          securities increased to 81.43 percent  granted tourism industry status.  market acceptance.
          from 80.76 percent in March.                                         The minister stated, "To lead in the
                                            Extended data for Vivad            21st century, we have to give compe-
          By the end of September 2023, the
          percentage of funds held in deposits  se  Vishwas  claims  until     tencies,  applied  knowledge,  and
          with the Bank for International Settle-  December 31                 hands-on training equal importance.
          ment (BIS) and other central banks had  The finance ministry has extended the  We also need to highlight the need for
          dropped from 14.82 percent at the  deadline for filing claims to resolve  mapping skill gaps to reduce the gap
          end of March 2023 to 13.49 percent.                                  between degrees earned and skills ac-
                                            outstanding disputes pertaining to gov-  quired."
          Nonetheless, the report indicated that  ernment contracts by two months, to
          the percentage of deposits held with  December 31.                   UN  recognizes  ICAI  for
          foreign commercial banks increased
                                            The government contract dispute reso-
          from 4.42 percent in March to 5.08                                   sustainability  reporting
                                            lution program, Vivad se Vishwas II,
          percent in September.             was introduced on July 15 and closed with an award.
          According to the report, foreign cur-  on October 31 for contractors to file  The  CA  Institute's  contribution  to
          rency assets increased from $509.69  claims.                         sustainability reporting has earned it a
          billion at the end of March to $521.36  The Department of Expenditure an-  prestigious UN Award. Out of 70 initia-
          billion at the end of September.  nounced in an office memo that it has  tives  from  around  the  globe,  the
          At the end of September, the RBI's gold  been decided to extend the deadline  sustainability initiatives of the Institute
          reserves had grown to 800.79 tonnes  for submitting claims under the Vivad  of  Chartered  Accountants  of  India
          (including 39.89 tonnes of gold depos-  se Vishwas II scheme until December  (ICAI) were given the highest rating.
          its). At the end of March, there were  31, 2023.                     UNCTAD  has granted ICAI the ISAR

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