Page 38 - Banking Finance December 2023
P. 38


                                                              Financial inclusion: Small industries and retail businesses in
                                                              tier-II and tier-III cities create opportunities for people to
                                                              use banking services and products.

                                                              Protection from global economic Shock: Indian MSME
                                                              sector is the backbone of the national economic structure
                                                              and acts  as  a  bulwark  for  Indian  economy,  providing
                                                              resilience  to  ward  off  global  economic  shocks  and

                                                              Issues Hindering MSMEs Potential:

                                                              The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of India have
                                                              shown better growth trajectories as compared to the other
                                                              sector. Thus, the proactive role of MSMEs in the Indian
                                                              economy is crucial for making India a $5 trillion economic
          an alternative for India's soaring import bills, but also bring  giant. Despite recording a huge contribution of MSMEs in
          down a huge trade deficit. Further, the Indian Government  the Indian economy, there are grave challenges faced by
          now  plans  to  bring  out  a  roadmap  to  establish  a  small scale industries that require timely addressal. A
          semiconductor  ecosystem  to  boost  designing,     regional imbalance in MSME distribution is quite evident as
          manufacturing and packaging of semiconductor chips majorly  states like Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh tops the list
          by MSMEs. Also, the Indian Government is planning to  while poor states such as Bihar lie at the bottom. The major
          enhance the export contribution of MSMEs in the Indian  reasons behind the regional disparity are the unavailability
          economy to 60% in upcoming years.                   of resources; be it raw material, financial aid, technical
          Creates  New  Avenues  of  Growth:  As  the  Indian  knowledge, or entrepreneurial assistance.
          Government and private sector come together to provide
                                                              The Financial Stability Report by the Reserve Bank of India
          a conducive environment for MSMEs, the entrepreneurs are
                                                              highlighted the liquidity crunch and rising bad loans in the
          now exploring the new domains. Lately, there has been a
          massive growth in MSMEs engaged in tea, coffee, fishery,  MSME sector. Even after numerous credit guarantee plans
          bamboo, food-processing, and organic farming domains. Not  and MSME loan schemes, the NPA load in the sector is still
          only do they produce diverse products for domestic and  on a rise indicating challenges of MSMEs.
          global market demands, but also offer huge unexplored
                                                              Moreover, high credit cost, almost zero R & D, lack of skill
          areas with high outputs.
                                                              development, complicated labour codes, etc. are still the
          Ensures Inclusive and Sustainable Growth: As a huge
                                                              biggest challenges that MSMEs face. Below are the main
          chunk  of  India's  rural  population  is  still  engaged  in
                                                              challenges associated with MSMEs:
          agriculture and that to mostly disguised employment,  Access to Finance: Access to finance is one of the biggest
          MSMEs  offer  a  new  wave  of  solutions.  According  to  challenges faced by MSMEs. These businesses often struggle
          Government data, 50% of MSMEs in India operate in rural  to secure loans from formal financial institutions due to a
          parts employing rural populations. Moreover, as MSMEs  lack of collateral, limited financial history, and high interest
          offer jobs for unskilled labourers, their importance can't be  rates.
          emphasized enough in an economy like India. Besides
          providing jobs to rural and unskilled individuals, 97% of  Infrastructure: MSMEs often operate in areas with poor
          workers in MSME sectors come from the micro-strata of the  infrastructure, such as inadequate transportation, power,
                                                              and water supply. This can make it difficult for them to
          society.  Hence  MSMEs  promote  inclusive  growth  by
          providing employment opportunities in rural areas especially  operate efficiently and meet customer demand.
          to people belonging to weaker sections of the society. For  Skilled  Workforce:  MSMEs require  skilled  workers  to
          example: Khadi and Village industries require low per capita  operate their businesses effectively. However, they often
          investment and employs a large number of women in rural  struggle to attract and retain skilled workers due to a lack
          areas.                                              of competitive compensation and benefits.

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