Page 36 - Banking Finance December 2023
P. 36


          MSME FUNDING:

          A DIFFERENT


          FOR BANKS IN


          Introduction:                                       industries, promotion of regional balance and inclusive
                                                              development, and so on. The Micro, Small and Medium
          The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector
          has emerged as a highly vibrant and dynamic sector of the  Enterprises Development Act was notified  in  2006 to
                                                              address different issues affecting MSMEs, inter alia, the
          Indian economy over the last five decades and have been a
                                                              coverage and investment ceiling of the sector. The earlier
          primary focus of policymakers at the central and state levels
          as it is a valuable contributor to the overall economic growth  criterion of classification of MSMEs under MSMED Act, 2006
          and development in terms of employment, value chain  was  based  on  investment  in  plant  and  machinery  /
                                                              equipment. A revision in MSME criteria of classification was
          creation, foreign exchange earnings, critical supplier of large
                                                              announced in the Aatmnirbhar Bharat package on 13th
                                                              May, 2020. This has been done in order to be realistic with
                        About the author                      time, to establish an objective system of classification, and
                                                              to provide ease of doing business.
                    Dr. Deepak Kumar
                    Senior Manager (Research)
                    U L A, C&P                                Micro enterprise: Investment in plant and machinery or
                    Union Bank of India                       equipment does not exceed one crore rupees and turnover
                    Arbind Singh                              does not exceed five crore rupees.
                    Chief Manager (Faculty)                   Small Enterprise: Investment in plant and machinery or
                    U L A, C&P                                equipment does not exceed ten crore rupees and turnover
                    Union Bank of India
                                                              does not exceed fifty crore rupees.
                    Avijit Kumar Agnihotri
                                                              Medium enterprise: Investment in plant and machinery or
                    Chief Manager (Faculty)
                    U L A, C&P,                               equipment does not exceed fifty crore rupees and turnover
                    Union Bank of India                       does not exceed two hundred and fifty crore rupees.

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