Page 32 - Banking Finance December 2023
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         personal finance management, lending, and payments. In  Key opportunities with open banking in India:
         addition, open banking is also aimed at improving the  India has over 1.2 billion mobile connections and the number
         customer experience by giving customers greater control  of smartphone users is expected to reach 829 million by 2023
         over their financial data and enabling them to share it with  year end, creating a large market for mobile banking and
         other providers that offer services that better meet their  open banking services. A report by EY India estimates that
         needs. As more countries adopt open banking regulations  India's open banking market could reach $5 billion by 2023.
         and  standards,  we  can  expect  to  see  even  greater  Another report by McKinsey & Company predicts India's
         innovation and competition in the financial services industry,  fintech sector could grow to $150-160 billion by 2025, driven
         as well as improved customer experiences and increased  by the growth in digital payments and open banking services.
         financial inclusion.                                 Another report by BCG, indicates that open banking could
                                                              help unlock $500 billion in value for India's financial sector
         Structure of open banking                            by 2025. Hence open banking touches the Indian banking

         The structure of open banking involves three key     system in a different way with various opportunities as
                                                              following areas -
                                                              1. Improved Customer Experience: Open banking enables
         1. Banks or other financial institutions: These institutions
                                                                 financial  institutions  to  offer  customers  a  more
             hold the customer's financial data and are responsible
                                                                 personalized and tailored experience. By accessing a
             for providing access to this data through open APIs.
                                                                 wider range of financial data, institutions can offer
             Banks must ensure that their APIs are secure and
                                                                 customized products and services that meet the specific
             compliant with data protection regulations.
                                                                 needs of their customers.
         2. Third-party providers: These providers are authorized
                                                              2. New Revenue Streams: Open banking enables financial
             by customers to access their financial data from banks
                                                                 institutions  to  generate  new revenue streams by
             through open APIs. Third-party providers can be fintech  offering value-added services such as financial advice,
             startups, payment service providers, or any other
                                                                 data analytics, and loyalty programs.
             provider of financial services.
                                                              3. Better Risk Management: Open banking can provide
         3. Customers: Customers are the owners of their financial
                                                                 financial institutions with a more comprehensive view
             data  and  have  the  right  to  share  this  data  with
                                                                 of their customers' financial profiles, which can help
             authorized third-party providers. Customers must give
                                                                 them to manage risk more effectively and make more
             explicit consent before their data can be accessed, and
                                                                 informed lending decisions.
             they can revoke this consent at any time.
                                                              4. Collaboration and Partnerships: Open banking creates
         The structure of open banking is built on the principles of
         security, transparency, and innovation. Banks must ensure
         that their APIs are secure and compliant with data protection
         regulations to protect  customers' financial  data from
         unauthorized  access  or  misuse.  By  using  open  APIs,
         customers can securely and easily share their financial data
         with other institutions, allowing them to access a wider
         range of financial services and products. This can include
         everything  from  loan  products  and  credit  cards  to
         investment advice and insurance. On the other hand FIs also
         have realized that they are now custodians and not owners
         of data and are trying to move to alternative revenue
         streams after receiving customer consent.

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