Page 29 - Banking Finance December 2023
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          that  the  product  cannot  provide,  leading  to  higher
          disappointment in user expectations.
          Emotional  Gap:  If  brand  communication  is  purely
          informational and  focused  on  functional  features, an
          emotional connection with users cannot be formed.

          Digital channels are the main marketing and PR of the
          brand. A negative experience with a mobile application or
          Internet Banking can negate all the positive promotional
          efforts. It is important to bridge these seven experience gaps
          that might arise when creating digital products.

          4. Emotional Connection
          Forming an emotional connection with customers is one of
          the key factors to ensure a brand's success. For financial
          institutions to succeed, it's important to consider interface  6. IQ to EQ
          usability and digital innovations along with the integration  There is a need for highly emotionally intelligent people who
          of personalized, positive experiences that form an emotional
                                                              serve as bridges between customers and the complex
          connection.                                         opportunities uncovered by new technologies. They are the
                                                              "user advocates" that ensure a user-centred approach in
          When customers compare their digital experiences, there's
          often a large gap between the usability and experience of  digital product development.
          social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram and
          their banking app. To keep up with the experiences delivered  In the digital age, the focus is shifting from IQ to EQ-from
          by Big Tech, finance companies should find out what users  intellect to emotion. EQ is all about the emotional impact
          love about their products and think about how to integrate  the product or service of the brand has on people's lives.
          that to create a more emotionally engaging experience.
                                                              Future technologies, like artificial intelligence, big data,
                                                              machine learning, and automation, can take customer
          5. Experience-driven KPIs
                                                              experience to a brand-new level. Successful banks will be
          As digital transformation shifts more toward customer-  the ones that unite the power of technological capabilities
          centricity, it's crucial how performance is measured. For  with  the  power  of  genuine  empathy  and  emotional
          decades, the key performance indicators (KPIs) have been  connection that only humans can create.
          the level of loans, accounts, and the number of leads and
          prospects. But to become a successful financial brand, the  7. Consistency through Product Ecosystem
          focus should be on:
                                                              Often, many banks digitize their products separately. This
             User feedback.
                                                              causes high fragmentation within the financial customer
             The  number  of actual users who recommend the   experience as the usability, information architecture, and
             product to friends.                              the interface itself differ. Also, having different departments
             The number and reasons for complaints about the  each working on their own product creates fragmentation.
             service.                                         This leads to a broken banking customer experience because
                                                              users expect their banking services to be a connected,
             The number of positive and negative comments about
                                                              holistic flow and not separate fragments.
             the company on social media platforms.
             To evaluate the impact of user-centred actions taken  The main problem is caused by the lack of a united vision
             by the company, there must be certain performance  that would include all the products and services provided
             indicators in place that help focus team efforts on the  by  the  bank.  This  is  often  since  digital  channels  are
             right direction.                                 considered an alternative or additional form of service

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