Page 31 - Banking Finance December 2023
P. 31


          NEW DAWN TO

          OPEN BANKING:





          Introduction to open banking                        financial services. In fact, open banking has its roots in the
                                                              European Union's Revised Payment Service Directive (PSD2),
          Open banking is a financial concept that refers to a financial
                                                              which was adopted in 2015 and went into effect in 2018.
          services model that enables third-party providers to access
          financial  information  from  banks  or  other  financial  PSD2 mandated that banks must open-up access to their
                                                              customers' data to third-party providers, such as fintech
          institutions  through  open  application  programming
                                                              companies, in a secure and standardized manner.
          interfaces (APIs). This model is designed to create a more
          transparent and customer-centric banking experience by
                                                              Since then, open banking has gained momentum around the
          allowing customers to share their financial data with other
                                                              world as more and more countries have implemented similar
          authorized providers of their choice.
                                                              regulations and standards. In the UK, for example, the
                                                              Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) introduced its
          The concept of open banking is not new and has been in
                                                              Open Banking initiative in 2018, requiring nine of the
          the works for many years. It emerged as a response to the
                                                              country's largest banks to open up access to their customer
          growing demand for more personalized and convenient
                                                              data through APIs. Other countries, including Australia,
                                                              Canada, and Singapore, have also implemented or are in the
                                 About the author             process of implementing open banking regulations.

                             Lalit Kumar                      One of the main goals of open banking is to promote
                             Chief Manager (Faculty)          innovation and competition in the financial services industry
                             MBA, CAIIB and  presently  working
                             as Member of Faculty with        by enabling new entrants to offer innovative services that
                             Union Bank of India,             leverage customer data. This has led to the emergence of
                             Zonal Learning Centre, Lucknow.  a wide range of fintech startups offering services such as

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