Page 28 - Banking Finance December 2023
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         to the fullest, especially in the banking and finance industry.  adaptation, removal of old practices, and adoption of a new,
         Companies can create new ways to deliver existing products  user-centric culture.  Good  digital  transformation and
         and services or expand various engagement methods.   innovative products cannot work if there is no customer-
                                                              oriented mindset.
         Despite the need for well-developed digital channels and
         top-notch  banking  customer  experiences,  COVID-19  It is important to integrate  customer-centric thinking
         highlighted the fact that the financial industry is unprepared  throughout the whole organization at every level, along
         to embrace the digital age. In a situation where digital  with operational and strategic processes. This ensures that
         means everything, there are still cases where people are  financial solutions match user needs and expectations.
         expected to risk their health just to visit a banking branch,
         even though all the necessary technologies to avoid such  A customer-centric approach inspires the whole team to
         situations are already available to the banks.       create products and services striving to make the world a
                                                              better place for people to live. It allows the maximum
         In today's times, when the importance of digitalization is  utilization of the full potential of a financial company and
         stressed, it's critical to carefully evaluate the proper way to  its digital products.
         create and integrate a digital strategy. Otherwise, there's
         a big possibility of reliving the unfortunate situation in the  If customer-centricity is taken into consideration during the
         recent past when banks were the last ones to develop other  development of products and services, it would attract
         channels for services.                               consumers like a magnet.

         "The  number  one  bank  in  the  world  will  be  a  3. Overcoming the Experience Gap
         technology company," Brett King.
                                                              Customer experience is what differentiates successful digital
                                                              financial services from failures. Even though it is common
         Successful digital businesses are always two steps ahead,  knowledge, customer experience improvements do not
         constantly monitoring changing customer behaviour and
                                                              always work.
         innovating new ways to adapt their products and create new
         ones according to rising expectations, which applies to the  There are several factors that go unnoticed while defining
         banking industry as well. Banks also need to develop their  customer experience; this is known as the experience gap.
         digital competencies to instantly adapt their service to any  The "experience gap" is the negative difference between
         kind of digital platform. Their digital strategy should not only  customers' expectations and the experience they get from
         encompass their existing products and services but also  the financial product and service.
         provide a clear vision for future development.
                                                              Some common types of experience gaps observed
         2. Experience-based Inner Culture                    are:
         Digital-first companies are flexible as they require quick  Culture Gap: The lack of customer centricity in a company's
                                                              culture prevents employees from bringing service closer to
                                                              customer expectations.

                                                              Feedback Gap: The gap that results from a lack of data
                                                              about customer expectations and their experience OR
                                                              collecting data but not acting upon it to solve user problems.
                                                              Design Gap: This results from poor design execution.
                                                              Execution Gap: This is formed from incompetent design and
                                                              poor methodology.
                                                              Value Gap: This gap is formed when the design ecosystem
                                                              does not comply with user expectations.
                                                              Overpromise Gap: This is defined as promising something

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