Page 54 - Banking Finance December 2023
P. 54


         fund plans, Govt securities. By selling these additional
         products they reduce per customer cost and increase per
         customer earning.

         Cross selling is a major element of driving business revenue,
         to augment this most of the banks in India have separate
         verticals for cross selling. It is a foundational sales strategy
         which remains to be an unshakeable pillar for growth. The
         banking sector is no different. Cross selling has been a major
         source of revenue growth for the banking sector since last
         two decades. According to Banking Intelligence solutions
         (BIS) from Fiserv, a customer with one product at a bank
         will stay for about 18 months. The same relationship can
         extend for up to four years with two products. And at three
         products, the relationship averages 6.8 years!   In order for  relationships with customers based on trust and loyalty.
         banks to be able to continue cross selling effectively, they  Pushing products blindly is no longer acceptable. Customers
         need to adapt their practices with changing times, while  have come to expect just in time information and service
         wearing a tech forward lens.                         when it comes to services like opening an account, buying
                                                              financial products or solving queries through chatbots.
         Cross Selling by Banks in India
                                                              They are empowered and independent, and prefer being in
         Liberalization, privatization and globalization jointly have
                                                              the driver's seat. They need to be offered the choice to get
         transformed  the  entire  Indian  banking  system.  The  solutions seamlessly through multiple devices and platforms.
         liberalization of the financial sector and banking sector  The way to win customer interest is by investing time and
         reforms, which took place thirty years back, have exposed  resources in understanding their personal preferences
         the Indian banks to a new economic environment that is  through data, using latest technology to reach out to them
         characterized by increased competition and new regulatory  in the right way and at the right moment, and acting as
         requirements. As a result, there is a revolution in every
                                                              financial advisors to them, rather than sellers.
         sphere of activities of the banks in India, Innovation, and
         intensification in new technologies escorts to increase in the
         customer expectations and there is a major shift from  Use of AI in Cross Selling
         product centric approach to customer centric approach.  Large banks are already diving into adopting artificial
                                                              intelligence (AI) as a part of their core marketing strategy
         People not just demand more from their banks but also  to  create  such  personalized  experiences  for  their
         receive more. Banks are striving hard for retaining the old  consumers. Customers of various International as well as
         customers then acquiring the new ones in the era of intense  Indian Banks  have access to a predictive banking feature
         competition. And one of the main customer retention  that analyses account information, and provides customized
         strategies is to cross sell more and more financial products  financial guidance. All major International and Indian banks
         to the customers. Most managers' cross-sell  to every  have introduced the virtual financial assistant that uses
         customer, sure that more sales means more profits. And  predictive analysis and cognitive messaging to offer financial
         cross-selling is profitable in the aggregate. But best of our  guidance to the millions of customers. It is well known truth
         knowledge the  first  of  its  kind,  found  that  firms that  that Banks have access to a large amount of information
         indiscriminately encourage all their customers to buy more  relating to their customers. But this data has not been
         are making a costly mistake: A significant subset of cross-  properly utilized to their advantage. AI can help address this
         buyers are highly unprofitable.                      by simplifying automation and use of valuable data to enable
                                                              proactive and personal customer experiences at low cost
         To be able to cross sell effectively, banks need to shift their  and superior efficiency.
         focus back to the customer, or risk being left behind. The
         new  way  is  to  rely  more  on  establishing  long  term  Virtual Assistants run by Artificial intelligence may ask the

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