Page 11 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2021
P. 11


             (b) responsibility of fraud investigation once a fraud  infrastructure for online filling of proposal
                 has been identified                                 form by customer. With this no
             (c) process of reporting on fraud related matters to    misrepresentation of facts or frauds can be
                 management                                          done by any intermediary.
             (d) reporting and recording processes to be followed  o  Roll out of Risk Score:
                                                                       To predict the chance of a proposal,
                 to record allegations of fraud
                                                                        resulting into early claim, before the
             (e) requirements of training to be conducted on fraud      proposal is underwritten. Early claims are
                 prevention and identification
                                                                        those claims which comes in first 3 years
                                                                        of existence of insurance policy. Generally,
             Role of Audit Committee with respect to Fraud
                                                                        insurers face such early claims due to
             Management-                                                misrepresentation of facts during
             Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by   proposal stage either by customers or by
             the internal auditors/auditors/agencies into matters       intermediaries.
             where there is suspected fraud or irregularity or a
                                                                       To prevent issue of policies likely to give
             failure of internal control systems of a material nature
             and reporting the matter to the Board.                     early claims.
                                                                 o   Pre Issuance Welcome Calling (PIWC) is done
             The company may establish a mechanism for               to customer on the contact no. provided in
             employees to report to the management concerns          the proposal form. PIWC is clear only when
             about unethical behavior, actual or suspected fraud, or  customer confirm that the details mention in
             violation of the company's general guidelines on        proposal are correct.
             conduct or ethics policy.                               All these initiatives requireone-time cost
                                                                     investment  by the insurer to create the
             3. Fraud Monitoring Framework                           infrastructure.
             Insurance Fraud Monitoring Framework issued by
                                                              Y  Diagnostic Centre - Where medicals of the
             IRDAI in January 2013 requires every insurer:
                                                                 customer gets conducted during pre-issuance of
             Y   To have appropriate framework to detect, monitor
                                                                 the policy
                 and mitigate occurrence of insurance frauds
                 within the Company.                             o   Regular audit of the diagnosis center.
                                                                 o   Industrial data sharing of the fraudulent
             Y   To issue an Anti-Fraud Policy duly approved by the
                 Board.                                              diagnosis center.
                                                                 o   Diagnostic Center analysis is done pan India
             Y   To lay down procedures for internal reporting of
                 frauds.                                             for Medical Claims cases & the DC's from
                                                                     where the Medicals done & the claims are
             Y   To create awareness among their employees/
                                                                     repudiated on the grounds of Dead Man
                 intermediaries/ policyholders to counter insurance  Insurance, Bogus Business etc. are de-
             Y   To furnish periodic report FMR 1 & FMR 2 on     o   De-listed diagnostic centers based on negative
                 frauds to the board and IRDAI providing details of:  feedback received from the industry.
                 o   Outstanding Fraud Cases
                                                                     These initiatives don't require any major costs
                 o   Closes Fraud Cases
                                                                     and can be done with the existing
                                                                     infrastructure of the insurer.
             Insurance Fraud Controls through Fraud
             Mitigation                                       Y  Underwriting Stage-
                                                                 o   Risk Rating Project
             Insurance Fraud Controls Measures which can be taken
             up in each step of Proposal's Life Cycle are as follows:  Objective
             Y   Proposal Stage                                  o   To predict the chance of a proposal, resulting
                 o   Go Green Initiative-wherein insurers create an  into early claim, at the time of underwriting.

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