Page 12 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2021
P. 12


                 o   To prevent issuance of policies which are likely  o  Industry Feedback: Flagging of policies based
                     to give early claims.                           on negative feedback received from the
                 Methodology                                         Industry.
                 o   Data of policies issued during the past  These Initiatives will require one-time cost for the
                     financial years can be used to build the model.  insurer.

                 o   The variables considered for analysis can be
                     customer demographics, policy information Insurance Fraud Controls through
                     and intermediary behavior. Based on      Awareness sessions on Frauds
                     statistical analysis, significant variables can be
                     derived for the predictive model.        Fraud Awareness Day
                                                              Many companies celebrate fixed dates of a year as
                 Again this is one-time cost for insurer.     Fraud Awareness Day.

             Y   Policy Servicing Stage                       They take following initiatives to spread awareness
                 o   Customer walking mandatory  for policy   about Fraud awareness.
                     servicing changes. (Address Change/      Y  Theme based poster competition for employees.
                     Nomination Change).                      Y  Online quiz on Fraud Management.

                 o   Thorough check of high value customers   Y  Mouse pad with Fraud Management message -
                     before any payout.                          gets distributed to all employees.
                 o   Roll out of ORMS [Operational Risk       Y  Fraud related videos gets created highlighting
                     Management System] wherein Risk aspects is  effects of misconduct
                     checked in all stages of policy servicing.
                                                              Y  Coffee mugs with Fraud Management theme
                 o   Creation of an incident reporting platform and  based logo.
                     awareness to employees for reporting any
                                                              Y  Pledge Calendar aimed on personal ethics &
                     suspicious /fraudulent instances.
                     First two initiatives will not require any cost,
                     but last two initiatives will require one-time  Now,  let us see few  examples wherein cost
                     infrastructure investment for the insurer.  involvement is almost negligible.
             Y   Claims/ Surrender Stage
                                                              A) Insurance Fraud Controls through Profiling
                 o   Fraudulent Death Claims Detection Model: To  the Fraudster:
                     predict the chance of a claim proposal,
                     resulting into fraudulent claims using   Pre-planned fraudsters
                                                              Y  Who start out from the beginning planning to
                     statistical model.
                                                                 commit fraud.
                 o   Very Early Death Claim Analysis [VEDC]: Early
                     Death claims which gets reported within one  Y  Can be short-term players, e.g. who use stolen
                     year of policy issuance is considered to be  credit cards; or can be longer-term, like
                     very early death claim. Analysis to be done on  bankruptcy fraudsters & those who execute
                                                                 complex money laundering schemes.
                     a monthly basis on VEDC. Call for initial
                     observations from the Sales Intermediaries  Intermediate fraudsters
                     and Branch Head for all very early death claim  Y  Who start off truthful but turn to fraud when
                     intimated during the particular period.     times get tough or when life happenings, such as
                     Actions can be initiated, if any adversity  annoyance at being passed over for promotion or
                     found.                                      the requirement to pay for  care for a family
                                                                 member, change the usual mode.
                 o   Roll out of Fraud Risk MIS (Online MIS
                     reports): The very early death claim reports  Slippery-slope fraudsters
                     can be provided to sales personnel. These  Y  Who just carry on trading even when, objectively,
                     reports can be built and mapped as per the  they are not in a situation to pay their debts. This
                     sales hierarchy. Death claim intimations can  can apply to normal traders or to key business
                     be populated on real time basis.            people.

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