Page 22 - Insurance Times July 2023
P. 22

chase concept. In 'Pay & Chase' concept payment is made  Desk Medical Audit is an important tool to detect fraud &
          within the agreed  turnaround time (TAT) believing that  abuse in  Scheme. Fraud under PM-JAY shall mean and
          submitted documents are true and verifiable for treatment  include any intentional deception, manipulation of facts and/
          done. In case wrongdoing or manipulation is found later in  or documents or misrepresentation made by a person or
          submitted documents the recoveries are chased, and  organization with the knowledge that the deception could
          penalties are imposed as deterrent measure to  ensure  result in unauthorized financial or other benefit to himself/
          observance of right practices by all stakeholders. The right  herself or some other person/organization. It includes any
          of recovery and right of imposing penalty is protected in  act that may constitute fraud under any applicable law in
          clauses of contract amongst hospital, state health assurance  India.  There  may  be  some  cases  with  manipulated
          authority and insurer in tri-partite agreements.    documents to justify package booked by the hospital and
                                                              these may go undetected during claim processing and may
          MDP is set of mandatory documents defined for each  be settled and paid by insurance company. Identification and
          procedure/package which should mandatorily be uploaded
                                                              detection of such cases is an important function of desk
          at the time of raising a preauthorization or for submitting a  medical audit that helps in recovering such wrong payments.
          claim after discharge of patient. These are necessary
          documents to determine the validity of a booked package.
                                                              Medical records are complex in nature. Medical knowledge
          Scrutiny of mandated documents as per MDP of submitted
                                                              and skill is necessary to understand such records and to find
          claims either before settlement or after settlement of a
                                                              their relevance  in treatment, prescribed medication,
          claim is an important function of Desk Medical Audit.
                                                              diagnostic or required necessity of specialists, physicians &
                                                              anaesthetists to a diagnosed ailment. Generally, MBBS, BDS
          Desk Medical Audit is a systematic review of an episode of
                                                              & other AYUSH doctors perform Desk Medical Audit. These
          health care conducted on the desk of the medical auditor,
                                                              professionals shall detect integrity violations by examining
          without visiting the hospital. Auditor cross verify & validate
                                                              submitted MDP documents, films & reports and shall find
          in a step-by-step analysis of all-important aspects of the
                                                              whether treatment has a medical justification and that the
          medical/surgical procedure performed in an empanelled
                                                              procedure booked has been done.
          hospital against the explicit criteria defined in the scheme
          i.e., covered  beneficiary, medical condition,  symptoms,
                                                              State Administration Agency & Insurers provide claim
          diagnosis, medical justification of treatment, correct code
                                                              submission guidelines to the hospitals and claim processing
          of package, treatment done, policy exclusion, empanelled
                                                              guidelines to claim processors (Insurer/TPAs). Minimum
          hospital etc. The objective of this audit is to ascertain the
                                                              document protocol for each package/procedure is defined
          order of the claim & its genuineness on booked medical
                                                              both at preauthorization level as well as at claim submission
                                                              level. Wherever required Standard Treatment Guidelines
                                                              (STGs) are provided for procedures/packages.
          This must be evident from submitted MDP that procedure
          has been carried out and that indications provided therein
                                                              The  Desk  Medical Auditor should  be aware  of these
          are suggestive of medical necessity of the treatment. Desk
                                                              guidelines, MDPs, STGs and various circulars in force before
          Medical Auditor verifies all case related documents that are
                                                              initiating desk audit for transactions. The objectives of STGs
          part of MDP e.g., prescription, admission note, clinical notes,
                                                              are to aid the pre-authorization and claim processing
          investigation reports, daily progress notes, discharge
                                                              doctors  by specifying the mandatory documentation
          summary, OT notes (in case of surgery). It is pertinent to
                                                              required and specific things to look for in these documents
          note that claim processors whilst processing claims check
                                                              for prescribed procedures. Desk Medical Auditor shall
          individual claims, and it is difficult for them to detect pattern
          of utilization or manipulation, but Desk Medical Auditor  validate whether processing happened as per guidelines,
          examines multiple TIDs and therefore shall be able to find  STGs and submitted MDPs are suggestive of same.
          such patterns. For example, use of same IVP/USG report may
          not be detected in claim processing function where claim  These tools enhance the skills of Desk Medical Auditors in
          processor works on a single TID, but such patters should be  understanding fundamental concepts of packages and their
          detected in a desk audit function if a pattern is visible in  stratification based on different criteria such as type of
          multiple TIDs of hospital or diagnostic reports with same  anesthesia, bed category on admission, surgical technique
          findings are found in many TIDs of hospital.        etc.

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