Page 23 - Insurance Times July 2023
P. 23

Process Flow of Desk Medical Audit:                 3.  Desk Medical Audit suggested by other stake holders
                                                                 e.g., Anti-Fraud Unit of  State Health Authority or
          Desk Medical Audit is a function that happens during various
          stages of the process of submitted claim. The audit is
          primarily based on scrutiny of medical documents submitted
                                                              Check  List  of  Desk  Medical  Audit:  Scheme
          by the hospital on TMS Portal. Source of Desk Medical Audit
          can be any suspicious case triggered in system, input  administrators and Insurers provide guidelines of claims
          received from tele-audit or from investigation team or on  including mandatory documents required as per Mandatory
          findings of analytics department based on some outlier or  Document Protocol for each  package/procedure of the
          utilization trend. The process flow of same is  described  Scheme. Standard Treatment Guidelines are also provided
          below:                                              that suggests for each package:
          1.  Random Desk Medical Audit of settled cases. Basis of  Average Length of Stay
             selection may be utilization of package; abuse prone  Minimum qualification & desirable qualification of
             procedures; or flagged hospitals. It may be done on
                                                                 treating doctor
             random sample of utilization to know in general
                                                                 Key clinical pointers including indications and contra
             whether claims practices are genuine and are supported
                                                                 indications for treatment.
             with required evidence as mandated in MDP.
                                                                 Standard treatment workflow
          2.  Triggered cases  which could be for specific hospital,
             specific TIDs, Specific beneficiaries, specific package,  Mandatory  documents  both  at  the  time  of
             speciality  or  specific  physician  or  surgeon  or  in  preauthorization and at the time of claim submission.
             combination of any of these triggers. Such triggers are
                                                                 Guidelines if some mandatory documents are to be
             generally flagged by:
                                                                 diligently reviewed by claim processors.
             a.  Claim processors at Pre-Authorization level where
                 package booked, and documents submitted for
                                                              Desk Medical Audit is carried out to verify:
                 approval are suspicious.
                                                                 Need of treatment.
             b.  Claim processors at Claim submission level based
                                                                 Rightful selection of package/procedure.
                 where submitted documents  raise doubts on
                                                                 Compliance with STGs.
                 medical justification of package booked or where
                 submitted documents raise suspicion on treatment  Submission of complete set of documents mandated in
                 actually done.                                  MDP.

             c.  Tele-calling verifications by beneficiaries suggesting  Triggers of suspicious transactions, outliers, suspicious
                 abuse by hospital or treatment has not been done  utilization pattern or any suspicious fraud and abuse
                 or upcoding has been done.
                                                                 activity pattern.
             d.  Beneficiary audit verification suggesting abusive  Triggers informed by SAFU (State Anti-Fraud Unit) of
                 pattern that needs deep medical audit of submitted  Scheme  Administrators or  by  Anti-Fraud Unit  of
                 documents of larger set of submitted claims.
                 Beneficiary may reveal that treatment booked &
                                                                 Verification of case related documents in random desk
                 treatment done are different.
                                                                 medical audit.
             e.  Analytics department based on observed outliers in
                 utilization pattern by some hospital or in specific
                                                              The following check list shall be helpful in developing required
                 procedure in some speciality.
                                                              skills for Desk Medical Audit:
          Triggered cases provide input where deep medical audit  Scrutiny of Clinical Information:
          may be required at hospital. Larger set of documents remain  Is  the chief  complaint  recorded  in prescription?
          available in hospital for verification by the Medical Auditor.  Whether  procedure  selected  is  mentioned  in
          Findings of this audit may require further verifications from  prescription & it is appropriate with respect to chief
          beneficiaries through tele-audit, beneficiary audit at hospital  complaint. Whether prescription includes  details of
          (if treatment is ongoing) or beneficiary audit at home (if  investigations, medication & package booked by the
          patient is discharged.)                                hospital?

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