Page 46 - Insurance Times July 2023
P. 46

Failure to meet safety expenditure target           overall delivery mechanism and ensure that the objectives
                                                              of creation of the fund is not diluted,” it said.
          The Rashtriya Rail Sanraksha Kosh (RRSK) is a dedicated fund
          created for the railways in 2017-18 with a corpus of Rs 1
          lakh crore for five years. In 2022, upon the recommendation Shortfall in track inspections
          of NITI Aayog, the central government agreed to extend  The Indian Railways is mandated to carry out regular track
          the currency of the fund for another five years.    inspections to assess the structural and geometrical health
                                                              of tracks. For this, they use Track Recording Cars (TRC), which
          The objective of the fund is to clear the backlog of critical  are automated track inspection vehicles. Each railway route
          safety and related works of the ministry, including track  has been categorised into a group based on their sanctioned
          renewals,  strengthening  of  bridges,  and  signalling  speed  and geography as shown in the below table. The
          improvements among others.                          frequency of TRC inspections on each track is based on
                                                              which group it belongs to.
          The RRSK fund is financed through the railways’ share of
          Central Road & Infrastructure Fund (Rs 10,000 crore),  According to the CAG, between 2017 and 2021, nearly half
          additional budgetary support (Rs 5,000 crore), and the  of the overall required number of track inspections were not
          railways’ contribution from internal resources (Rs 5,000  done. In fact, the shortfall in TRC track inspections ranged
          crore).                                             from 30 percent to as much as 100 percent among routes
                                                              in different groups.
          A report by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India
          (CAG) tabled in December 2022 noted that while the Rs  "Non-deployment of TRCs over planned sections, as per
          15,000-crore gross budgetary support for the scheme is  schedule, led to non-checking of track parameters having
          being met, the contribution from the internal resources of  implications on overall safety of train operations including
          railways have fallen short over the years.          derailments,” said the CAG report.

          According to the CAG, this has resulted in the scheme failing  Referring  to  the inquiry report on the  derailment of
          to meet its objectives. “Short deployment of funds by the  Seemachal Express in 2019 in Bihar, which led to the death
          railways from internal resources to the tune of 15,775 crore  of six people, the CAG points out that a track inspection was
          (78.88 percent) out of the total share of 20,000 crore had  due in that zone for four months at the time which could
          defeated the primary objective of creation  of RRSK to  have given vital inputs for defects in the track.
          support absolute safety in the railways,” said the report.
                                                              The Kharagpur railway division, which saw the recent train
          Similar concerns were also raised in the seventh report of  crash, falls under the South East Railway zone. According to
          the Parliamentary Committee on Railways. “Such a shortfall  the CAG,  the shortfall in track  inspections in that zone
          reflects poorly on  the ability of the Indian  Railways to  between 2017 and 2021 was as high as 83 percent in routes
          generate surpluses. The committee also feel that the  falling under the ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘D Special’ groups, and 50 percent
          railways need to address this inherent deficiency in the  in the routes under ‘B’ group. (Source: money control)

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