Page 43 - Insurance Times July 2023
P. 43

Risk Management

          and Insurance –

          The Future career

          scope                                                                         Dr C. Madhavi Prasad

                                                                                             Associate Professor,
                                                                                                 OB & HR Areas,
                                                                          Institute of Insurance & Risk Management,

           The  risk  management  occupation,  and  especially  the  RM&I  industry,  ensure  persons  and
           businesses’ economic success by effectively & efficiently managing their risks. All sections of this
           industry are seeking talented people to fill the channels. The reason, this career take advantage
           of talents, offers variety, flexibility, above average growth prospects.

                   his RM&I industry will exists until businesses exists.  market conditions or political uncertainties etc. Nevertheless,
          T        The importance of it has a place in economy as it  the pandemic has brought to the fore an entirely new set of
                   organizations live in an unstable environment. It
                                                              challenges for managers. In such a development, a unified
                                                              approach toward risk management is  critical to identify
                   is therefore true that risk management is the need
          of the day to live in a world that challenges businesses on  potential risks, and tackle the uncertainties associated with
          every juncture of growth path. To thoroughly evaluate risk  the business at all levels.
          and suggest adequate risk management measures to either
          eliminate the risk or reduce the negative financial impact of  The risk management occupation, and especially the RM&I
          the risk to a substantial extent is the need of the day.  industry, ensure persons and businesses’ economic success
                                                              by effectively & efficiently managing their risks. All sections
          Businesses have changed dramatically after the COVID 19  of this industry are seeking talented people to fill the channels.
          phase, forcing organizations to take a relook at their business  The reason, this career take advantage of talents, offers
          strategies, including how they manage their prosperities,  variety, flexibility, above average growth prospects.
          making  firms  to  engage  in  more  risky  business  and
          investments. It has required many businesses to undergo a  According to a recent survey published by, U.S. Bureau of
          severe reality check, and learn new ways to adapt to the  Labour Statistics, majority of insurance experts are 55+ years
          new reality and ensure business continuity. This new phase is  of age and are planning to retire soon. One-third of insurance
          unconceivable without insurance cover, because without such  C suit jobholders are between the ages of 55 and 64 and that
          financial cover, businesses would not be able to bring new  50% of the insurance workforce will retire by 2028. Businesses
          ideas and products to market.                       are looking for young talent. The RM&I industry provides
                                                              employment to more than 2.3 million people in America –
          In Pre- Covid era, the risks that arose were common and  more than Google, Facebook, Apple,  Twitter and Yahoo
          foreseeable, mostly related to cost, performance, processes  collective. India is no behind. There is an average growth of
          and schedules, or they were external risks such as altering  1.31% in the  employment of  risk managers (Source:

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