Page 40 - Insurance Times July 2023
P. 40

with ''ZERO TOLERANCE towards FRAUDS'' philosophy. A
                                                              Q: Some case studies where companies
          dedicated  vertical  ICLM  (Internal  control  and  loss
          minimization) independent of claims function, reporting to faced big challenges to deal with fraud.
          the Chief Risk Officer of the Company exists to manage frauds
          and leakages in the system.
                                                              Healthcare providers often attempt to inflate health claims
          Within ICLM function there are specialized teams focussed
                                                              by unbundling procedures, increasing length of stay, going
          towards managing various risks arising from multiple lines of
                                                              for unwanted medical treatments, utilization of unwarranted
          business. They engage with skilled professionals like doctors,
                                                              higher antibiotics. This inflation ranges anywhere between
          advocates, automobile engineers, analytics resources within
                                                              15% to 35% in the medical cost of treatment for genuine
          the Company and outside too. Claims processing system has
                                                              cases and this is a large cause of concern to be addressed by
          been enabled with fraud alerts ranging from machine learning
                                                              the industry. IRDAI's new move to empanel all health
          models, rule engines to trigger claims on real time basis for
          loss minimization. Another unit within ICLM focusses on loss  providers under GI Council should hopefully  address these
          minimization resulting from acts committed by employees/  issues to a large extent.
          intermediaries and third parties.
                                                              Multiple nexuses running around the country have created
          On identification and establishment of fraudulent claims; they  policy banks and  have  their clandestine tie ups with
          are repudiated. Appropriate punitive measures are taken  healthcare providers to either fake health claims or generate
          with respect to hard core fraud cases which includes filing  highly exaggerated claims.
          Police complaints against insured, drivers, claimants, other
                                                              On the motor third party claims implanting a vehicle with
          entities involved in fraud. For health claims, in addition we
                                                              legitimate insurance  cover is  the single largest cause of
          have reported irregularities to various health authorities like
                                                              concern and  the root cause lies in the high  number of
          state medical council for further action.
                                                              uninsured vehicles in our country.  We also observe sometimes
          Insight from new pattern of frauds observed are utilized to
                                                              non RTA (Road traffic accident) cases do get converted to
          run  analytics on  the portfolio with  action  bias. At ICICI
                                                              either motor TP or motor PA or the standard PA claims under
          Lombard we have leveraged the new age technologies in
          fraud risk mitigation effectively. AI/ ML based models have
          been  built using the loss minimization  experience and  Multiple cartels operate across the country and they sell
          integrated with our claims processing systems in Motor and  stolen vehicle to unsuspecting customers.
          Health for generating real time alerts during claim processing.
                                                              Garages often misguide customers to pad up/ jack up claims
          Algorithm trained with past fraud data are enabled to detect
                                                              with existing damages and or try to cover earlier damages.
          patterns  or outlier behaviour  real-time during  claim
          processing there by reducing the miss-outs and improved  SME facing financial crunch are vulnerable and get lured to
          referral  quality  and  outcome  with  minimal  human  arson their own assets and cook-up fake fire claim.
          intervention in identifying high risk claims. These models
                                                              The Insurance industry, in particular, is plagued with frauds
          undergo regular upgradation.
                                                              and in the absence of any safeguard for the Insurers against
          ICLM function utilizes various forensic tests and tools to
                                                              these rampant illegal and immoral activities, the Insurers
          understand the cause of loss/ fire etc.
                                                              are left with no avenue to address their pleas.There is no
          To build awareness on anti-fraud policy and to emphasise  mechanism for penalizing the fraudsters, as a combat
          "ZERO TOLERANCE" to fraud each employee undergoes an  measure.
          induction program; thus creating each employee as an anti-
                                                              While the negative financial impact of fraud on the insurance
          fraud crusader. In addition regular circulation of case studies/
                                                              industry is understood, the corresponding impact of the fraud
          fraud awareness mailers, acts as continuous learning.
                                                              on the genuine customers and economy of the country also
          Company has invested in ICLM function to continuously
                                                              needs to be taken into account. Insurance frauds leads to
          monitor and refine process and systems to prevent occurrence
                                                              increase in premium on one side and may also impact the
          of frauds. In conclusion, a sound  ethical culture and an
                                                              insurance penetration adversely on the other side due to
          effective system of internal control are essential elements of
                                                              rate increase on account of frauds.
          an anti-fraud strategy. Effective internal controls  reduce
          exposure to financial / reputational risks and contribute  Therefore, insurance frauds need to be defined and classified
          towards safeguarding of assets, including the prevention and  as a punishable offense in the Insurance Act, 1938, in order
          detection of fraud.                                 to protect the interest of insurers and the policyholders.
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