Page 36 - Insurance Times July 2023
P. 36

coverage to farmers on individual approach basis. Later it  Overall, the PMFBY has been instrumental in providing much-
          was changed to area approach in 1979 as Pilot Crop Insurance  needed financial security to farmers in India. The scheme has
          Scheme. In 1985, the Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme  covered millions of farmers across the country and has been
          (CCIS) was launched, which aimed to provide additional  praised for its transparency and effectiveness. However,
          coverage to farmers against pests and disease risks. It was  concerns have been raised about the scheme's implementation,
          further expanded to be more comprehensive and was known  including delays in claims settlement and the exclusion of some
          as National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) in 1999. It  farmers from the scheme's benefits. Nevertheless, the
          was implemented by most of States for more than a decade  government is continuously working to improve the scheme's
          till 2010. To make the scheme more effective and efficient,  effectiveness and ensure that farmers can access affordable
          the Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS)  and comprehensive insurance coverage.
          has been introduced in 2010 to address the shortcomings of
          the NAIS. The MNAIS aimed to provide comprehensive  The major attraction of the PMFBY was the assessment of
          insurance coverage to farmers against all types of risks.  losses (of certain perils) on an individual basis, whenever
                                                              required.  And with the passage of time, there is a significant
          In 2016, the Government of India introduced the Pradhan  increase in the number of claim intimations from the farmers
          Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY), the aim of which was to  in the categories of Localized Calamity and Post Harvest claims.
          provide affordable crop insurance coverage to farmers.  The surge in these loss intimations is a sign that the farmers'
          Whereas this scheme was also on "Area Approach" basis,  community is getting educated day-by-day about the scheme
          herein the coverage has been introduced to cover the  and its benefits to them.  The losses due to changing weather
          individual farmers' loss also, though only for limited perils like  pattern are very well covered by this aspect of the scheme.
          inundation and hailstorms.  This has been a turning point for
          crop insurance in the country.                      Going forward, if any scheme (insurance or otherwise) is to
                                                              be improved and free from all biases, it has to enhance the
          In the last FY 2022-23, the total premium of the General  usage of technology in it, without fail.  The PMFBY scheme
          Insurance Industry has been INR 2.5 Lac Crore and Crop  also introduced new technologies, such as remote sensing
          Insurance premium touched INR 35,000 Crores; i.e. 14% of  and drones, to assess crop damage accurately.  The vision of
          the General Insurance Industry.  The current focus of the  the Agriculture Ministry is to assess more than 50% of the
          Department of Finance and IRDAI to increase the insurance  cropped  area by 2023 through  technology,  without the
          penetration manifold in the country, rural insurance certainly  intervention of ground-level teams.
          has to play an important role, given the fact that the Indian
                                                              Further, with the introduction of Yes-Tech governed by the
          economy is an agrarian economy.
                                                              MNCFC in Maharashtra state, the usage of technology is being
                                                              introduced in a planned and phased manner.  Many models
          Under the PMFBY scheme, the premium rates are also the
                                                              viz. semi-physical models, AI models, crop simulation models,
          actuarial premium rates, wherein the insurers bid in the
                                                              and ensembled models are being used for the same.  Initially,
          States' tenders.  The farmers are required to pay a nominal
                                                              10% weightage  is given  to  the  Yes-Tech in  the  yield
          premium of 2% of the sum insured for Kharif crops, 1.5% for
                                                              estimation, which will gradually be increased.
          Rabi crops, and 5% for commercial & horticultural crops. The
          remaining amount of the premium is paid by the State and
                                                              Overall, crop insurance has played a crucial role in supporting
          Central Governments in their given proportions as subsidy.
                                                              Indian farmers against crop losses and other related risks.
                                                              The government has taken various measures to improve the
          Such a huge scheme, with so many agricultural diversities in
                                                              effectiveness of these schemes and ensure that farmers can
          the country to be covered, huge number of people working
                                                              access affordable and comprehensive insurance coverage.
          for its success, the job of the Department of Agriculture is
          commendable in terms of the spread & control over the  Where the government-sponsored/subsidised scheme PMFBY,
          scheme in differently led states, the robust software system  covering the shortfall in yield, is an area-approach scheme and
          NCIP to cater the needs of enrolment of farmers in each  majorly based upon the yield estimation; the insurers are coming
          season through Banks, CSC, intermediaries and even directly  up with new solutions to cover the left-out crops, majorly in
          from farmers.  The recent development of having all the claims  horticulture.  There are many avenues for the insurers to cover
          to be disbursed through the NCIP is a great achievement of  on a parametric basis.  Even for parameters, there is a shift
          the Department.                                     being implemented by the insurers i.e. from the traditional

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